Abortion activist Jex Blackmore took an abortion pill on live television — then boasted that the move constituted her third abortion.

During a recent segment of WJBK FOX 2 Detroit’s “Let It Rip,” Blackmore — who uses “they/them” pronouns — discussed the issue of abortion pills with host Charlie Langton and pro-life attorney Rebecca Kiessling. 

“I want to show you how easy it is, and how safe it is, by taking it myself,” Blackmore said before taking a mifepristone pill — which, alongside another substance called misoprostol, is used by millions of Americans to murder babies in the earlier stages of gestation.

“Are you … you’re not pregnant, are you?” Langton asked. “I would say that this is going to end a pregnancy,” Blackmore replied. “This would be my third abortion.”

Blackmore told NBC News that she was, in fact, pregnant.

“When I was invited onto ‘Let It Rip’ to discuss the availability of mail-order abortion pills, I thought that it would be an opportunity to demonstrate the ease and effectiveness of the medication, and it happened at the right time for me personally,” Blackmore told the outlet in an email. “Taking the medication on live TV, especially a Fox affiliate, allowed the message to reach folks who normally would not be exposed to information about a medical mail order abortion.”

Langton noted the “callousness” of Blackmore’s actions in her comments to NBC News.

“With abortion, a preborn baby does not just magically vanish into thin air by merely swallowing a pill, as some may think,” Langton explained in an email. “Jex’s actions are extremely deceiving and make me think of someone pushing a button for a drone strike — it would appear easy enough, but in reality most people understand the carnage which will ensue and should be outraged at the tragic loss of life and the callousness with which it was done.” 

Indeed, Blackmore’s callousness is increasingly seen in state and federal policymakers willing to protect abortion by statute.

New Jersey’s “Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act” — which overwhelmingly passed in the state’s legislature — codifies “the constitutional right, which has been recognized by the New Jersey Supreme Court, to freedom of reproductive choice, including the right to access contraception, to terminate a pregnancy, and to carry a pregnancy to term.” It nullifies “any law, rule, regulation, ordinance, or order that has the effect of abridging the constitutional right to freedom of reproductive choice.”

Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed the requirement that the abortion pill “be dispensed only in certain healthcare settings, specifically clinics, medical offices, and hospitals.” The new development will allow the abortion pill to be sent via mail — and potentially acquired online.

In a recent interview with The Daily Wire, Dennis Sarfate and Zach Lautenschlager — who lead Action for Life, the legislative arm of the Christian ministry End Abortion Now — explained that abortion is the murder of an image-bearer of God, meaning that lawmakers must ensure equal protection under the law for preborn babies.

“Life starts at conception — that is a baby,” Sarfate, a former MLB pitcher, stated. “That is a human being worthy of respect and worthy of protection. God even calls it murder. We don’t have the authority to take life … You’re killing an innocent human being that deserves life, that God is allowing to be put into a woman.”

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Source: Dailywire

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