Nile Gardner, a top former aide to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, slammed President Joe Biden on Sunday amid the chaos unfolding on the ground in Afghanistan.

Gardner, who has a doctorate in history from Yale University, is considered a foreign policy expert and has testified numerous times before Congress.

Gardner responded to Biden’s Afghanistan debacle in a series of tweets posted yesterday, including the following:

  • “Clueless, isolated, and sinking fast. President Biden has become an embarrassment on the world stage, and his non-leadership a gift to the enemies of the free world, from Kabul to Beijing. America has never been weaker at the helm in the modern era.”
  • “A massive collapse of American leadership on the world stage. Joe Biden will go down as one of the biggest failures in US presidential history.”
  • “Joe Biden has humiliated the United States on the world stage. This will haunt the world’s superpower for decades.”
  • “Biden’s Saigon moment. A monumental disaster delivered by the weakest, most left-wing US presidency in American history.”
  • “President Biden has humiliated the United States, undermined America’s allies, and handed a huge gift to America’s enemies, from the Taliban to al Qaeda and Islamist terrorist groups across the world.”

The Daily Wire reported on Sunday that former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who served in the role under both Presidents Obama and Trump, called out Biden for avoiding the public amid the collapse of Afghanistan.

Jackson responded to Biden’s absence from the public eye by tweeting: “OUTRAGEOUS! Biden needs to address the nation TONIGHT.”

“If he’s not mentally capable of handling this crisis, he needs to resign IMMEDIATELY,” Jackson continued. “America deserves better than this – OUR VETERANS DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS! Come out of hiding at Camp David and do your damn job!”

Former President Donald Trump slammed Biden on Saturday over the situation, calling it a “disgrace,” and then called on him to resign on Sunday.

“What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary. It will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history!” Trump said. “It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy.”

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Source: Dailywire

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