A biological male who now claims to identify as a woman boasted about getting a slap on the wrist in a jailhouse phone call to his father after he was sentenced to two years in a juvenile detention center for molesting a 10-year-old girl in a women’s bathroom.

Hannah Tubbs, formerly James Tubbs, pleaded guilty to molesting the girl in a women’s bathroom eight years ago, when Tubbs was two weeks from turning 18, Fox News reported in January. It was only after Tubbs was taken into custody that he began identifying as a woman, prosecutors said.

Notably, Tubbs wasn’t connected to the case until 2019.

In a phone call, Tubbs “boasted that nothing would happen to her after she pleaded guilty due to Democrat District Attorney George Gascon’s policies and laughed that she won’t have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender,” Fox News reported. “She also made explicit remarks about the victim that are unfit to print.” Here’s how the conversation went, per Fox News:

“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” Tubbs says in one recording. “They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing.”

“You won’t have to register?” her father asks on the other line later in the conversation.

“I won’t have to do none of that,” Tubbs replies.

“So what are they going to do to you then?”

“Nothing,” Tubbs answers, then laughs.

Tubbs’ victim, who was 10 at the time of the attack, told Fox News Digital that the handling of the case has been “insulting” and “unfair” to her.

“The things he did to me and made me do that day was beyond horrible for a ten-year-old girl to have to go through,” she told Fox. “I want him tried as an adult for the crimes he committed against me.”

“I’ve also heard that my attacker goes by she/them pronouns now,” she added. “I see it also unfair to try him as a woman as well, seeing how he clearly didn’t act like one on January 1st of 2014.”

Tubbs went into a female restroom at a Denny’s restaurant in 2014, grabbed a 10-year-old girl by the throat, locked her in a stall, and molested her until another person walked into the bathroom, reports say.

Far-left District Attorney George Gascón decided to try Tubbs as a minor, and Tubbs was sentenced to the maximum available sentence of two years.

“Tubbs is 26 years old,” said Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami. “Unlike George Gascon’s false narrative, she is not a ‘kid.’”

“There was evidence presented at the juvenile proceedings which showed that Tubbs sexually assaulted two young girls in different incidents in the past,” Hatami said. “The child victims will suffer lifelong trauma. Tubbs also has prior violent convictions and conduct as an adult.”

“Because of George Gascon’s blanket policy against transferring any juvenile to adult court, even if the 17-year-old rapes or murders an innocent child, James Tubbs will not have to register as a sex offender, will not spend any time in county jail or state prison, will be 26 and housed with juveniles for a very short period of time, and will be released with no probation or parole monitoring,” he blasted. “The victims will get no justice. The public will get no safety.”

“It’s an injustice against all of us, especially the young victims,” Hatami added.

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Source: Dailywire

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