On Tuesday, San Francisco voters recalled three progressive school board members who were described as “incompetent” and accused of putting children last by focusing on items such as renaming high schools named after long-established American heroes and keeping schools locked up during the pandemic. Many saw this as a shocking development in the uber left-wing city of San Francisco, but the founder of the 1776 Project PAC Ryan Girdusky recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that this development was all too predictable, and that school boards across the country could flip if enough parents and conservatives get engaged in the process.

1776 Project PAC was founded in 2021 and, according to its website, is “dedicated to electing school board members nationwide who want to reform our public education system by promoting patriotism and pride in American history.” The PAC is “committed to abolishing critical race theory and ‘The 1619 Project’ from the public school curriculum.” Critics of The 1619 Project describe it as an inaccurate, revisionist history project created by progressive activist Nikole Hanna-Jones. Despite its fallacies, it has been embraced by progressives in school districts across the country.

Girdusky joined Carlson to react to the latest news out of San Francisco on Wednesday evening, adding that his group was highly successful in its first year, winning 72% of races in which it backed candidates.

“Ryan Girdusky’s political action committee helps elect non-crazy school board members,” Carlson said of the founder of the 1776 Project PAC.

The “obvious conclusion is if this can happen in San Francisco, that’s a pretty good sign?” Carlson asked in reference to the progressive ouster.

“It is a good sign,” Girdusky affirmed. “Last year, the 1776 Project PAC backed 58 candidates, 42 of them won, including in very blue areas like Center County, Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. We saw that this was going to come everywhere, and the reason is is that elected officials from D.C. to your local school board do not have the interest of the people —especially not of children. While this school district was shut down until August 2021, they were working on renaming schools like Abraham Lincoln High School. They were talking about abolishing the gifted and talented program, one of the school board members said that Asians use white supremacy to get ahead.”

“They refused to have one gay dad with a biracial daughter speak at a public school event because he — quote — ‘wasn’t diverse enough’ because he was white,” Girdusky gave as an example of left-wing insanity from the school board.

“This is the action of school board members across the country who promote Critical Race Theory,” he continued. “Sadly, even though we’ve seen this reaction in San Francisco, it’s not alone. This is happening in red counties and blue counties across the country, this kind of crazy school board activism.”

“So Democratic voters are kind of okay if you vandalize a war memorial — and so many have been — but they don’t want you to vandalize their kids schools it turns out. Why doesn’t the DNC understand that, that seems pretty basic right?” Tucker inquired.

“David Axelrod actually tweeted today, ‘We want politicians out of schools.’ What he really means is we want conservative politicians out of schools,” Girdusky said. “Politicians have always been involved in schools — from making curriculum, to allocating budget, and certainly the teachers union which is involved in schools is very political. They are seeing the signs of what’s happening and that’s why at the 1776 project PAC, I’m doubling up. We’re looking at 50 school board elections for this spring, so if you want to run for school board or if you want to get involved in school elections, please visit our website. It’s very important.”

“I think we can flip 300 school board elections easily this year,” he predicted.

Girdusky’s appearance can be seen here:

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Source: Dailywire

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