An unarmed grandmother from Indiana on Wednesday was the first to be sentenced in connection to the January 6 Capitol breach after she pleaded guilty to one charge of parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

A judge sentenced Anna Morgan-Lloyd to three years of probation, $500 in restitution, and 40 hours of community service. Under the terms of her probation, the 49-year-old is also banned from owning a firearm.

Morgan-Lloyd did not participate in any violence and was only in the Capitol building for an estimated 10 minutes, according to court documents. The agreement helped her avoid a potential six months behind bars.

“I’m ashamed that it became a savage display of violence that day,” Morgan-Lloyd said in court, according to the IndyStar. “I would’ve never been there if I had a clue it was going to turn out that way, because it was never my intent to be a part of anything that is so disgraceful to the American people.”

Morgan-Lloyd was given a list of race-related books, documentaries, and movies to consume by her attorney, H. Heather Shaner, which were referenced in Morgan-Lloyd’s written plea, the IndyStar outlined:

“Morgan-Lloyd wrote she’s ‘ashamed’ of her participation in the rally-turned-riot, adding that she’s learned from her actions using movies and books recommended by her attorney — attaching plot summaries of ‘Schindler’s List’ and ‘Just Mercy’ as evidence.”

“I’ve learned that even though we live in a wonderful country things still need to improve,” the woman wrote. “People of all colors should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.”

“She was very willing to learn about American history,” Shaner said. “When I offered her a book list, and the movie list, she got a library card because she lives in a remote part of Indiana.”

The attorney told the IndyStar “that though the themes of the movies and books may not directly relate to what fueled the riot — an attempt to overturn the U.S. presidential election results — she believes they stand as an important lesson in civic duty,” the report said.

Morgan-Lloyd was also told to read “Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee” and watch Netflix’s “Mudbound” and documentaries “Slavery by Another Name” and “Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre.”

Morgan-Lloyd’s mea culpa was apparently vital in the agreement for probation.

“Some of these defendants are not going to do what you did. They’re not going to say they did anything wrong. They, to this day, would still participate in the demonstration,” said Federal Judge Royce Lamberth. “… I don’t want to create the impression that probation is the automatic outcome here, because it’s not going to be.”

As highlighted by The Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow, the Department of Justice is tying to be tough on the nearly 500 people charged in connection to the breach “even though many of the charges are for misdemeanors like trespassing.”

“Meanwhile, prosecutors in New York City are dropping looting and burglary charges against those who destroyed businesses during Black Lives Matter riots,” Schow highlighted:

NBC News reported that prosecutors in the Bronx and Manhattan have decided to drop burglary and looting charges against hundreds of rioters, angering store owners who had their businesses destroyed.

“I was in total shock that everything is being brushed off to the side,” Jessica Betancourt, whose eyeglass shop was one of the businesses looted, told NBC.

The outlet reported that a review of New York Police Department data show a large percentage of the cases against looters have been dismissed, leaving mostly convictions for the lesser charge of trespassing.

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Source: Dailywire

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