As reported by The Daily Mail, a Washington Post reporter described how British troops helper her and her friends escape Afghanistan, adding to further criticism of the Biden administration’s refusal to allow U.S. forces to leave Kabul airport to assist with evacuation efforts.

“Susannah George told of how she and the paper’s Afghan staff were able to latch on to a separate evacuation led by UK troops, after spotting them and asking for help to flee,” the Daily Mail reported. “That saw them hurriedly travel along a road to Kabul’s Hamid Karzai Airport in armored cars driven by private security guards.”

“Those roads were being guarded from Taliban interference by UK service personnel, before making it to the security gate of the airport itself, which was manned by American troops,” the report continued. “George did not offer further comment on the troops who helped save her, but the UK’s elite Special Air Service (SAS) have been drafted in to rescue Britons trapped in the war-torn country.”

According to George, security around Kabul airport was “crumbling,” and “her Afghan co-worker Tassal and his young daughter were beaten by Taliban fighters as they waited on the civilian side of the airport for a flight that never arrived.”

This account contradicts the Biden administration’s rhetoric on the danger posed by the Taliban during the evacuation.

Speaking on the subject of Americans attempting to reach the airport safely, President Biden said “We have no indication that they haven’t been able to get — in Kabul — through the airport.” 

“We’ve made an agreement with the — with the Taliban,” Biden continued on Friday. “Thus far, they’ve allowed them to go through. It’s in their interest for them to go through. So, we know of no circumstance where American citizens are — carrying an American passport — are trying to get through to the airport. But we will do whatever needs to be done to see to it they get to the airport.”

During that same press conference, Biden was asked why U.S. forces weren’t venturing beyond the airport. 

“Why haven’t you ordered the military to expand the security perimeter around the Kabul airport?” asked PBS NewsHour’s Meredith Lee. “Do you have any plans to do so, given that it will likely require more U.S. troops? And are you considering rescue operations to recover Americans and Afghan allies stuck behind Taliban checkpoints?”

“The last answer is yes — to the last question. We’re considering every op- — every opportunity and every means by which we can get folks to the airport.  That’s number one,” Biden responded.

“Number two, the reason why we have not gone out and started — and set up a perimeter way outside the airport in Kabul is that it’s likely to draw an awful lot of unintended consequences in terms of people who, in fact, are not part of the Taliban.”

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Source: Dailywire

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