Kyle Rittenhouse on Tuesday night revealed that he intends on suing NBA star LeBron James.

“I think everyone wants to know … what are your plans for LeBron James?” journalist and host Drew Hernandez asked Rittenhouse on the debut episode of “Frontlines.”

“He’ll be getting a letter, too,” the teenager responded.

“LeBron James will be getting a letter, too,” Hernandez emphasized to his viewers.

Rittenhouse replied, “Anybody who defamed me, or lied about me, we’re just gonna send them a letter and then deal with them in a courtroom.”

During the same appearance, Rittenhouse said he doesn’t necessarily support the political organization of Black Lives Matter, but does support the idea that “black lives matter.”

“I support black lives mattering,” Rittenhouse told Hernandez. “I support black lives matter — they do matter.”


James in November mocked Rittenhouse for crying while testifying about a fatal encounter he had on August 25, 2020, with  Joseph Rosenbaum. (The jury later found Rittenhouse had acted in self-defense during the encounter.)

“What tears????? I didn’t see one,” James mocked the teenager. “Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court.”

Rittenhouse was overcome with emotion while testifying about he incident and the court had to take a ten minute recess, The Daily Wire reported at the time:

Rittenhouse, detailing the moments before he fired on Rosenbaum recalled Rosenbaum yelling “burn in hell” to him before Rittenhouse yelled “friendly, friendly, friendly!” in an attempt to calm Rosenbaum. But he was chased.

Rittenhouse described feeling “trapped” by Rosenbaum and another man, identified during the trial as Joshua Ziminski, who fired his pistol in the air. The teen said the man had the pistol pointed at him during the incident.

Before describing his actions to fire, Rittenhouse sobbed uncontrollably and a ten minute recess was called.

James also made waves back in April for suggesting without evidence that an officer was racially motivated for fatally shooting 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant, who was, at the time, attempting to stab another girl. Bryant and the other girl involved are both black; the officer is white.

In a now-deleted tweet, the L.A. Laker posted an image of the officer with the ominous caption, “YOU’RE NEXT. #ACCOUNTABILITY.”

After that was deleted, in another tweet, James wrote, “I’m so damn tired of seeing Black people killed by police. I took the tweet down because its [sic] being used to create more hate – This isn’t about one officer. [sic] it’s about the entire system and they always use our words to create more racism. I am so desperate for more ACCOUNTABILITY.”

Further, in May, James said black people in America are “literally hunted everyday/everytime” in reaction to the fatal shooting of 25-year-old black man Ahmaud Arbery.

“We’re literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes!” James tweeted.

“Can’t even go for a damn jog man!” the NBA star continued. “Like [what the f***] man are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!? No man fr ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! I’m sorry Ahmaud (Rest In Paradise) and my prayers and blessings sent to the […] heavens above to your family!!”

James added the hashtags “#StayWoke” and “#ProfiledCauseWeAreSimplyBlack.”

Rittenhouse in December joined The Blaze TV’s “You Are Here” and discussed James’ mocking tweet.

“I was a Lakers fan, too, before he said that,” Rittenhouse said. “I was really pissed off when he said that because I liked LeBron … and then I’m like, you know what, f*** you, LeBron.”

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Source: Dailywire

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