On Thursday, CNBC’s on-air editor Rick Santelli, the very man who inspired the creation of the Tea Party, slammed the Biden administration for its ever-changing explanations of what is causing inflation to skyrocket.

Reacting to the news from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, whose report on Thursday revealed inflation had soared 7.9 percent on a year-to-year basis in February, the highest level in 40 years, Santelli said pointedly on CNBC’s “Squawk Box”:

Of course, this inflation news is going to be tough for the administration. Nothing, Joe, nothing, has been more politicized than inflation. Let’s hearken back to all the things we’ve been through. First, it was “transitory.” Then, “inflation is good.” Then we went to “corporate greed,” now we’re at “Putin.” Listen, it’s probably all of the above but no matter how you slice it, it’s all about commodities for the most part, and King Commodity is energy and most people in the United States are reminded of that about what, every three to four days when they go fill up their tanks.”

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