This week, a viral video was triggered when a student at Washougal High School in Washougal, Washington, spoke before students to instruct them how they would go maskless in school to protest against mask rules, saying, “What we’re hoping is that they kick us out … because they have to report that attendance to the state, and if the state sees a day where 100 or however many kids are here or absent, they’re going to start asking questions.”

“Everybody, shut up,” he started as he addressed like-minded students. “This is not an excuse for any of you freshmen and sophomores to disrespect your teachers. If I hear of anybody disrespecting teachers or staff tomorrow, that makes us look bad. We want this to be a peaceful, respectful movement; we are just trying to gain back our rights as citizens. We do not care — the teachers, in the end, are just doing their jobs. It doesn’t come from them; it comes from the state.”

“Now, what we’re hoping is that they kick us out,” he explained. “This sounds bad, but we’re hoping that they kick us out, because they have to report that attendance to the state, and if the state sees a day where 100 or however many kids are here are absent, they’re going to start asking questions. Our hope is that we can get this state-wide.”

He outlined the plan for his fellow students: “Now I might get in trouble for this but the plan still stands for Wednesday, for tomorrow, I mean. Everybody is going to meet at the back row at the senior parking lot and we’re all walking into the school with no masks on. You can get me in trouble; they can suspend me; I don’t care. We’re done with this and obviously all of you are, too. Obviously all of you are done with the masks, too.”

“Now again, we’re doing this peacefully and respectfully,” he repeated. “If a staff member asks you to put a mask on, you say, ‘No thank you,’ and keep walking. And if they kick you out, then go home. And if people need rides home, then some of the seniors, I’m sure, we can start giving people rides home. That’s about it.”

The young man was approved of by notable conservatives:

“Washougal Principal Sheree Gomez-Clark said the protests first began Monday, where as many as 100 students assembled outside the school. Students were offered masks when they arrived to school unmasked and were directed to hold their demonstration outside when they refused. A smaller group of masked students, she said, formed an unofficial counterprotest in response,” The Columbian reported.

A second video followed, showing students walking into the school and a school staff member advising them, “Take a mask. If you don’t take a mask, you’ve got to head back out.”

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