The suspect in the Waukesha parade attack was slammed with 71 new charges on Wednesday.

On November 21, the attacker — who will not be named in accordance with Daily Wire policy on not publishing names and photographs of alleged mass murderers — allegedly rammed his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six people and injuring more than 60, including multiple children.

Two days after the attack, prosecutors charged the suspect with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide. According to a criminal complaint filed on Wednesday, the new charges now include first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree recklessly endangering safety, hit and run-resulting in death, felony bail jumping, and misdemeanor battery.

FOX 6 Milwaukee reported:

[The suspect] ignored several attempts to stop him, according to the criminal complaint. [The suspect] braked at one point, but instead of turning away from the parade route, he turned into the crowd and appeared to rapidly accelerate, the complaint said.

[The suspect’s] alleged motive remains unknown. Investigators have said he was fleeing the scene of a domestic dispute when he turned into the parade, but police were not pursuing him. Each first-degree intentional homicide charge carries a mandatory life sentence if [the suspect] is convicted.

Beyond its large scale and violent nature, the attack quickly gained national attention for spotlighting the dangers of progressive bail reform policies. The suspect — who allegedly ran over a woman with whom he had a child — posted a $1,000 bail and was released from jail days before the parade attack. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm admitted that the bail recommendation was “inappropriately low” considering the risk factors and charges the alleged driver was facing at the time.

Others have noticed that mainstream media outlets have done their best to turn a blind eye to the attack. In November, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said that corporate media organizations spin false narratives while the record largely remains uncorrected.

“And we’re seeing that right now in real time with Waukesha, Wisconsin, in terms of what happened there,” DeSantis said. “You will look at some of these corporate outlets and they will say that ‘an SUV drove into a parade of Christmas folks.’”

“You never actually hear the discussion about who committed this; what was the motivation?” DeSantis continued. “This guy was a career criminal let out on, didn’t really have any bail basically, should not have even been on the street, had clear, anti-white animus. And this was an intentional act. And it seems like, you know, for corporate press, they’re more apt to characterize a parent who goes to a school board meeting to protest bad policies as a domestic terrorist than somebody who intentionally rams an SUV into a crowd of innocent people.”

“So, you have at least six have died, you have many more that have been injured,” DeSantis added. “I know many people are in the hospital. And so let’s just be clear, this was not a car just driving in. This was an attack by a felon who did that, who should not have been on the street, and we’ll see what the actual motivation was. It very well may have been in response to what happened with Kyle Rittenhouse. And you have to wonder if that’s the case, almost surely, this guy’s view of Rittenhouse was colored by all these media lies. He brought a rifle across state lines, that’s a lie. They said that the initial altercation with Jacob Blake, that Blake was unarmed, that’s a lie. They covered up Blake’s criminal history.”

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Source: Dailywire

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