A well-known black social activist targeted famed “Harry Potter” author on Wednesday, patronizingly avoiding her name and tweeting, “J* R****** is just another violent white woman.”

Bree Newsome, who was lauded by then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 for “shimmying up that flagpole” and removing the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse in 2015, apparently was referring to Rowling’s exchanges regarding the transgender community as she continued ranting:

What she did is classic violent white woman behavior— go out of her way to use her powerful position to target a minority group that already experiences daily systemic violence & then claim she’s the real victim when there’s backlash. Unlike those she targeted for no reason who are already disproportionately the victims of violence, murder & hate crimes, she can afford personal security, can even afford to live isolated in luxury if she wants to. She sees no connection, has no empathy. A violent personality.

Ironically, it is Rowling who has actually received death threats. On Sunday, Rowling, who has endured vitriol and abuse from transgender activists, fired back at someone who sent her a death threat over Twitter, wishing her to receive a pipe bomb in her mailbox. Rowling blasted, “To be fair, when you can’t get a woman sacked, arrested or dropped by her publisher, and cancelling her only made her book sales go up, there’s really only one place to go.”

The exchange had been triggered when Rowling replied to a critic who quoted her saying, “I’ve ignored porn tweeted at children.” Rowling fired back, “Juan, I’ll give you a moment to think hard about leaving that up. I reported every bit of porn so-called trans allies tweeted into Twitter threads where children were sending me artwork for the Ickabog. I didn’t respond or retweet it because I didn’t want more kids to see it.”

She continued, “I’m not sure how these tactics – using porn as a weapon against women you dislike, not caring that children get caught in the crossfire and then misrepresenting what really happened – are supposed to help trans people. Nor do I see how what you’ve done here helps correct the impression that the end game for you & your ilk is to intimidate women out of speaking up for our own rights, no matter how low you have to go to do it.”

An admirer encouraged Rowling, writing, “Please keep fighting Jo. It must be so hard sometimes with the abuse you face but you are a voice for so many of us who feel the same and don’t have a voice. We have your back.” Rowland responded, “And together, we will win.”

That prompted someone to tweet at Rowling, “I wish you a very nice pipebomb in your mailbox.” Rowling replied, “To be fair, when you can’t get a woman sacked, arrested or dropped by her publisher, and cancelling her only made her book sales go up, there’s really only one place to go.”

Someone asked, “Is this still because of her comments about the safety of women in toilets/changing rooms if men can use them by simply saying they identify as a woman?”

“Yes, but now hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me I’ve realised that this movement poses no risk to women whatsoever,” Rowling answered.

The Daily Wire reported in June 2020 that a member of the United Kingdom’s Labour Party, responding to an essay by Rowling in which she stated she was “a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor” and defended women’s rights because women-only spaces and women’s safety were under attack by gender-advocates,  accused Rowling of weaponizing her history of sexual assault and domestic violence. Rowling had written:

When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is a simple truth.

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Source: Dailywire

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