On Monday, actor Mark Ruffalo apologized on Twitter for accusing the Israeli government of committing “genocide.”

“I have reflected & wanted to apologize for posts during the recent Israel/Hamas fighting that suggested Israel is committing ‘genocide.’ It’s not accurate, it’s inflammatory, disrespectful & is being used to justify antisemitism here & abroad. Now is the time to avoid hyperbole,” the Marvel star tweeted.

As The Daily Wire reported, Ruffalo had called for sanctions against Israel on Monday.

“1500 Palestinians face expulsion in #Jerusalem. 200 protesters have been injured. 9 children have been killed. Sanctions on South Africa helped free its black people — it’s time for sanctions on Israel to free Palestinians. Join the call. #SheikhJarrah,” Ruffalo tweeted.

Some applauded Ruffalo for his apology. Former New York State Assemblyman and Founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, Dov Hikind, tweeted, “No one expected this apology from Mark; it always takes a level of courage to admit one’s mistakes.”

“But the real test is in what comes next, to see if he’s truly sincere and really understood what was so wrong about such a misnomer,” Hikind added. “But it’s a positive first step.”

Michael Dickson, executive director of Stand With Us, also celebrated Ruffalo’s apology, tweeting, “Correct.”

“There is conflict, sure. And people of goodwill work for peace. But there is no genocide,” Dickson continued. “The ‘genocide’ lie is used to incite violent — sometimes deadly — antisemitism.  It matters that you set the record straight and used your voice to reconcile and not divide.”

Ruffalo, however, was slammed by several pro-Palestinian activists, who immediately rejected the actor’s acknowledgement of the reality of the conflict.

Palestinian-American attorney and activist, Huwaida Arraf, responded, “As an attorney, I have long avoided calling it genocide. No longer.”

“Israel’s policies fit the legal definition, but as with any crime, there is the element of intent that must be proven. For that, there are plenty of statements from Israeli officials. Not hyperbole,” Arraf added.

Dima Khatib, the Managing Director of Al Jazeera Plus, tweeted, “It is not Hamas/Israel fighting!!!!”

“I thought you knew better. This framing undermines our cause and quest for freedom. It serves the self-defence narrative of the oppressor,” Khatib added. “PS You may use ‘ethnic cleansing.’”

Talbert Swan, who has been outspoken on racial issues in recent months, tweeted, “You never referred to the Palestinians who were being slaughtered as ‘Hamas’ in your previous tweets.”

He then implied that Ruffalo’s apology was triggered by pressure from Jews or Israel.

“What happened? Who got to you? Were the 70+ murdered children fighting for Hamas?” he added.

Later that day, Swan compared Ruffalo’s apology regarding Israel to that of a slavery apologist.

“This is you during antebellum…,” he tweeted. “‘I have reflected & wanted to apologize for posts during the slaver/enslaved fighting that suggested America is committing ‘genocide’. It’s not accurate, it’s inflammatory, disrespectful & is being used to justify antiwhiteness here & abroad.’”

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Source: Dailywire

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