Marine Corps veteran Joey Jones criticized actor Alec Baldwin for continuing to blame everyone but himself for the tragic shooting on the set of his film “Rust” — which left cinematographer Halyna Hutchins dead.

Jones joined Fox News’ midday panel show “Outnumbered” on Wednesday, and the topic turned to Baldwin and his recent interview with exiled CNN anchor Chris Cuomo — during which he suggested that the media was somehow to blame for the questions that continued to swirl about the shooting and the investigation that followed.

Cohost Harris Faulkner introduced the topic, referencing Baldwin’s interview with ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos and his claims that he had not pulled the trigger.

“I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger at them, never,” Baldwin said at the time. “Someone is responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it’s not me.”

Faulkner then noted that the FBI had determined it was not possible for that gun to have been fired without someone pulling the trigger. Despite that finding, Baldwin spoke to Cuomo about the incident and blamed the media, arguing that the people talking the loudest about how he must have been at fault were people who had not been on the set at the time.

“The people that are talking loudest about what happened or speculating about what happened were not on the set of the film. The L.A. Times, The Hollywood Reporter. They talk on and on and on about ‘what if this’ and ‘what if that’ … The thing that they have in common is that nobody was there,” he told Cuomo.

“The way he is handling this is just absolutely disgusting,” Jones said then. “Number one, if he never pulled the trigger, he’d be saying that from the moment it happened, you’d think, it was six weeks later when he came up with that idea to avoid or circumvent responsibility.”

“I don’t think he is a cold-blooded murder, but he did something irresponsible and somebody died from it,” Jones continued. “Whatever the law says those consequences are, he needs to be held to it.”

Source: Dailywire

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