Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said he would support Democrats, even far-left ones, over fellow Republicans he deems “anti-democracy.”

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Kinzinger, one of ten House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, said he would throw his weight behind Democratic candidates for office who “believe in democracy” over Republican candidates who would “overthrow the will of the people.”

The remarks come after Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) vowed to support Democrats over some Republicans after she lost the GOP primary in a landslide earlier this month. Kinzinger and Cheney are the only Republicans on the January 6 select committee investigating the Capitol riot.

“Liz Cheney said in some cases she may have to help a Democrat win against sort of an anti-democracy Republican. Do you feel that is what you will be doing the next couple of years or so?” host Chuck Todd asked.

“Yes,” Kinzinger responded. “The bottom line is the biggest threat to our country is democracy [sic]. And if you have Republicans that are running against even left-wing Democrats that believe in democracy and believe in voting, that person should be elected over somebody who would basically overthrow the will of the people and, ultimately, destroy this country.”

“This country cannot survive outside of democracy,” he continued. “It will turn into a power struggle between groups of different races, of different ethnicities, of different religion. Because the thing that holds us together is this belief that we can self-govern. Take that away the country is a mess.”

“Republicans that are for that have no place in office, I don’t care what their policy position on taxes are,” he added.

Kinzinger started a political action committee called “Country 1st PAC” in January of 2021 to promote Republican candidates to combat former President Trump’s influence over the party. A group of Kinzinger’s advisers and allies launched a super PAC and a grassroots nonprofit to further boost anti-Trump candidates. The nonprofit, “Keep Country First Policy Action,” launched its first recruitment effort earlier this month.

Source: Dailywire

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