During the pair’s marriage, Amber Heard gifted her ex-husband Johnny Depp a large knife with an inscription that said “until death” written in Spanish.

Depp is suing the “Aquaman” actress for more than $50 million over alleged defamation stemming from an op-ed Heard penned at The Washington Post claiming to be a victim of domestic violence. During the trial, Heard’s team have accused Depp of both physical and sexual violence against the actress.

“I believe that this is the knife that Ms. Heard gave to Mr. Depp as a gift,” Dawn Hughes, a clinical psychologist called to testify as an expert witness by Heard’s legal team, said while identifying the knife.

Hughes went on to identify the inscription to read “until death” in Spanish.

“A woman you suggest has characteristics of being afraid for her life, gives her intimate partner a large knife, which she has inscribed, ‘until death,’” a lawyer for Depp pressed Hughes. “That’s your testimony?”

“There’s context,” Hughes replied.

“Okay,” the lawyer said. “We can do that later.”

Hughes has not addressed the “context,” so far.

During the exchange, Heard seemed to sport a tight smirk on her face.

Earlier in the trail, Depp explained that the knife was also signed, “xx. Slim,” which was the pet-name he used for his then-wife during their marriage.

Earlier this week, security guard Travis McGivern testified that he had to remove Depp from a situation due to Heard physically assaulting him. The actress allegedly punched Depp in the face during the incident, threw a can of Red Bull at the actor, and tried to spit on him.

“At some point, I witnessed Ms. Heard throw a Red Bull can … that struck Mr. Depp in the back,” testified McGivern, who has worked for Depp for several years. “At that point, I moved closer to Mr. Depp. … I didn’t want my client to get hit with anything else.”

“The verbal onslaught continued, from both of them,” he added. “Ms. Heard threw something else, either a purse or a bag … [and] I was able to knock it away so it didn’t hit [Depp]. … At one point, she spit at him. Yeah, and just a lot of verbal vitriol from both of ’em.”

McGivern said Heard told Depp during the argument, “you’re f***ing washed up,” “you’re a f***ing c***,” and made remarks about the actor being a “deadbeat dad.” The security guard said Depp participated equally in the verbal exchanges, giving “as good as he got.”

“I heard and saw a closed fist contact Mr. Depp in the left side of his face,” McGivern later testified. “That was Amber Heard’s fist.”

“At that point, I wasn’t going to let Mr. Depp get hit anymore, so I moved him down the last flight of stairs to the lower level and told him we’re leaving … just for his sake,” he said. “I let him get hit by a Red Bull can, I let him get punched … it was my time to do my job and get him out of there.”

Source: Dailywire

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