Three Arizona parents who claim local officials created “dossiers” on them after they balked at Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other woke ideology being taught to children sued the school board and its former president Thursday.

The parents, Amanda Wray, Kimberly Stafford, and Edmond Richard, filed suit against the Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) board and Jann-Michael Greenburg, saying they were targeted for raising objections. Greenburg’s father, Mark Greenburg, was allegedly behind a Google drive that contained the personal information, business and mortgage records, photos, and even video of dozens of people, including children.

“[These] tactics went far beyond the usual bag of dirty tricks common in politics,” said Harmeet Dhillon, the attorney representing the parents. “The Greenburgs made strategic use of the dossier Mark maintained in order bully critics into silence.

The lawsuit accuses Greenburg and the school district of conspiring to invade the parents’ privacy and violate their First Amendment rights. The parents claim the snooping began after they complained about CRT, mask mandates, and other school district policies at board meetings.

“I stopped engaging with the school district and I stopped going to school board meetings because I was physically afraid,” Wray told reporters.

The board removed the younger Greenburg from his role as board president after news of the Google drive broke last year, but he remains a board member.

The Google drive was discovered by accident last November, when a link to it was inadvertently included on a document shared with the community and a parent spied it. The drive allegedly included video of an anti-CRT parent group, over which a voice can be heard identifying the recorder as a private investigator hired to spy on the parents.

The drive reportedly includes folders with names including ‘SUSD Wackos,’ ‘Press Conference Psychos’ and ‘Anti Mask Lunatics,’ according to the Daily Mail.

“The Greenburgs made strategic use of the dossier Mark maintained in order bully critics into silence. SUSD itself took steps to silence critics, even hiring outside legal counsel to send a cease and desist letter to a parent group that included ‘SUSD’ in its Facebook name,” Dhillon added.

The younger Greenburg told Independent Newsmedia last year he had nothing to do with the dossier, and that he was “not my father’s keeper.”

“I categorically deny having anything to do with any of this,” he said.

Dhillon, the San Francisco-based attorney who represented The Daily Wire all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in its successful lawsuit against OSHA’s vaccine mandate, said the shocking case shows how far the woke crowd will go to impose its will on parents.

“We hope through this case to deter such conduct in other places,” Dhillon said.

Source: Dailywire

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