President Joe Biden shifted the goal post on Friday morning on fighting the pandemic after repeatedly promising on the campaign that he would “shut down the virus.”

During a press conference, Biden was confronted on an op-ed that he wrote in USA Today this week [emphasis added]:

We are going to fight COVID-19 not with shutdowns or lockdowns – but with more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing and more. We will beat it back with science and speed, not chaos and confusion – just as we did in the spring and again with the more powerful delta variant in the summer and fall.

“So on COVID policy, it seems like the administration is starting to soften some of the language,” Fox News reporter Peter Doocy said. “There’s this new op-ed where you talk about COVID, ‘We are going to beat it back.’ Are you no longer going to ‘shut it down?’”

“We got to beat it back before we shut it down,” Biden responded. “Look, it’s going to take time worldwide. In order to beat COVID, we have to shut it down worldwide. In the United States of America. We’re doing everything that needs to be done to take care of the American people within our borders.”


Biden repeatedly promised while on the campaign trail that he would “shut down the virus”:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was confronted by Doocy this week over the same matter after Doocy had previously tried to question Biden and Biden did not answer his question.

“To the questions from earlier about messaging, what ever happened to President Biden’s promise to shut down the virus?” a reporter asked. “There’s another variant here. Is the idea that you want people now to kind of wrap their heads around that the President, instead of shutting down the virus, is going to try to help people live amidst the virus and go about their lives but COVID is going to be here?”

“We’re working on it, Peter,” Psaki responded.

“There’s another variant here, is the idea that you want people now to kind of wrap their heads around that the President, instead of shutting down the virus, is going to try to help people live amidst the virus and go about their lives but COVID is going to be here?” Doocy asked.

“Well, Peter, what’s very important for people to understand and all of you are communicating to the public about what steps they can take to go back to normal or go back to normal life — something everybody wants to do,” she responded. “We’re all sick and tired of this virus, but we need approximately 20 percent of the population or more people than are currently vaccinated to go get vaccinated and go get boosted. What we can do as the federal government is make those vaccines free, make the boosters free, make them available. The President will talk more about what we’re going to do tomorrow. But we need the American people to do more — who are not vaccinated — to help us continue to fight the virus.”

The Daily Wire is fighting Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate in federal court.  Join us in this fight by signing our petition to OSHA, telling them that you will not comply with this mandate.

Source: Dailywire

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