President Joe Biden addressed the world on Tuesday from the White House, regarding supposedly brewing tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The United States commander-in-chief pleaded with the Russian people not to attack Ukraine, but he added that Ukraine will be assisted by U.S. military equipment and that American forces will respond with “full force” if a NATO ally or an American citizen is attacked by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“The United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia. Ukraine is not a threat to Russia. Neither the US nor NATO have missiles in Ukraine. We do not — do not — have plans to put them there, as well. We’re not targeting the people of Russia. We do not seek to destabilize Russia,” the president said.
“To the citizens of Russia, you are not our enemy,” Biden continued during his Tuesday address as flagged by Fox News. “And I do not believe you want a bloody destructive war against Ukraine, a country and the people with whom you share such deep ties of family history and culture.”
The president also added that he will not be sending American forces to fight in Ukraine, though he has amassed thousands of troops in neighboring countries of Poland, Germany, and Romania.
“While I will not send American servicemen to fight in Ukraine, we have supplied the Ukrainian military equipment to help them defend themselves,” Biden said during his address. “We provided training and advice and intelligence for the same purpose.”
The president’s remarks indicated that the U.S. would be more than willing to fight if Russia attempted to attack a NATO ally.
“Make no mistake, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of American power,” Biden declared. “An attack against one NATO country is an attack against all of us.”
The president also stressed the importance of pursuing diplomacy during his speech.
“We should give the diplomacy every chance to succeed and I believe there are real ways to address our respective security concerns,” Biden said during his speech.
“We’re willing to make practical, result-oriented steps that can advance our common security,” he continued. “We will not sacrifice basic principles, though. Nations have a right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. They have the freedom to set their own course and choose with whom they will associate. But that still leaves plenty of room for diplomacy and for de-escalation. That’s the best way forward for all parties in our view.”
Biden also said that the U.S is “not seeking direct confrontation with Russia,” but “that if Russia targets Americans in Ukraine, we will respond forcefully.”
“If Russia attacks the United States or allies through asymmetric means, like disruptive cyberattacks against our companies or critical infrastructure, we’re prepared to respond,” Biden added.
On Tuesday, The Daily Wire reported that Putin said “of course” he does not want war with Ukraine or NATO.
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Source: Dailywire