Joe Biden’s approval rating as President continues to crater, according to a new nationwide poll.

The Civiqs poll of nearly 200,000 respondents across all 50 states found that just 36% of registered voters approve of the job Biden is doing so far, compared to 54% who disapprove. The poll also found that Biden is seeing a positive net approval rating in just four states: Vermont, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Hawaii.

Biden’s approval is underwater among every age group as well, the poll found. Among 18-34 year-olds, Biden’s approval is underwater by a massive 29 percentage points. His approval rating sits at just 27%, compared to 56% who disapprove. Among 35-48 year-olds, Biden faces a net disapproval of 20 points; just 34% of voters approve of Biden, while 54% disapprove. Biden is 16 points behind with 50-64 year-olds, at 39% approval and 55% disapproval. Biden fares best among 65+ voters, but is still 11 points underwater, with 42% approval compared to 53% disapproval.

Biden is also at a net disapproval rating with every education category in Civiqs’s poll. Non-college graduate voters disapprove of Biden by a 21-point margin: 34% approval, 55% disapproval. College graduates disapprove by a slightly lower 18-point margin: 37% approval, 55% disapproval. Voters with postgraduate degrees disapproved of Biden by just 5 points, 43%-48%.

Breaking down by race and gender, Biden is also in trouble. A massive 62% of male voters disapprove of Biden, while just 30% approve. Biden is also underwater with women, with 40% of women approving and 48% disapproving. White voters also overwhelmingly disapprove of Biden’s job performance: 63% of white voters disapproved, while just 29% approved. Biden’s approval was strong among black voters, with 65% approval and 18% disapproval. At the same time, he was barely above water with Hispanics, who approved of Biden by a razor-thin 2-point margin, 45%-43%. Voters of “other” races disapproved of Biden by 11 points, 39%-50%

Biden’s approval was also strong among Democrats, who favored him 74%-12%. Nearly all Republicans, 96%, disapproved of Biden’s performance. Just 2% approved. Most notably, a massive 39-point majority of independents, 63%-24%, disapproved of Biden’s job so far.

Biden’s approval is in the 40s in 11 states, in the 30s in another 17 states, and all the way down in the 20s in 16 states. In two states, West Virginia and Wyoming, Biden’s approval sits at an abysmal 19%. Just four states approve of Biden. In Hawaii, 51% of voters approve of Biden, while 38% disapprove; in Maryland, Biden is barely above water, 45%-43%; in Massachusetts, Biden is ahead 47%-41%; and in Vermont, Biden is ahead 49%-38%. Critically, Biden is underwater in battleground states with competitive elections that may determine the fate of the U.S. Senate: his approval in Arizona is 24 points in the negative, 34% approval to 58% disapproval; 24 points negative in Georgia, 32%-57%; 26 points in Nevada, 33%-58%; 4 points in New Hampshire, 44%-48%; 20 points in Pennsylvania, 35%-55%; and 17 points in Wisconsin, 38%-55%.

The Civiqs poll comes on the heels of other recent polls showing that Biden’s support has collapsed among key demographics. A report from Gallup found that Biden’s support plunged downward by 19 points among millennial voters and 21 points among Generation z voters over the course of his first 14 months as President, as the Daily Wire reported; a Harvard Youth Poll conducted by the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School found a similar trend, as Biden’s approval fell 18 points among 18-34 year-old voters over the course of the last year. In addition, a Quinnipiac poll found that Biden’s approval among Hispanic voters has collapsed by a massive 43 points in the first 15 months of his presidency.

Source: Dailywire

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