Sometimes good fortune comes down to being in the right place at the right time.

For Darryl Surita, that meant being at the Shell gas station in Rancho Cordova, California, last Thursday, when a price glitch allowed him to fill up his tank of gas for just 69 cents per gallon.

“I looked at the numbers and it was 69 cents a gallon. So you know what I did, I hit that button and it started pumping and the dollar sign just stayed low!” Surita exclaimed, CBS Sacramento reported.

Surita posted the incredible discovery on Instagram and notified his family and friends. Soon, many more people were at the Shell station filling up their cars for the low, low price.

“I started looking around, and everybody had a smile. Everybody had a big smile, and they kind of were not looking at you in your eyes,” Surita added.

According to CBS Sacramento, the price for premium gasoline was actually supposed to be $6.99 per gallon that day at the station, but a technological error moved the decimal point, making the fuel cheaper.

Eddie Surita, who filled his tank up for just $14, said the scene was “crazy.”

“It turned into a circus within a matter of minutes,” he said to the press.

On Monday, the American Automobile Association (AAA) reported that the average gallon of gas in California costs $6.436. Nationally, a gallon of gasoline costs an average of $5.014 per gallon, according to the AAA.

Across the country, gasoline prices are so high that thieves have resorted to innovating ways to steal fuel. On Friday, The Daily Wire reported that police are warning about fuel theft in Nevada.

“Unfortunately, with the rise in fuel prices, we have an increase in fuel theft,” Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Lt. Jeff Swanbeck told Fox 5. “Some gas stations have been hit for thousands of gallons and they will continue to go back until the tank is drained. That is thousands of dollars in losses for these gas stations and sometimes it almost gets to the point where it puts them out of business.”

“These thieves are very sophisticated,” Swanbeck added. “They will take a truck that looks just like a normal truck, like a freeway service truck, and there is intricate [piping] inside them.”

The Daily Wire also recently reported that gas prices in California are some of voters’ biggest concerns heading into the 2022 election cycle.

“They’re beyond furious — it’s called desperation,” Representative Lou Correa (D-CA) recently told the media.“I don’t hear anything about the other national issues we’re focusing on in Washington. The thing I hear about is gasoline. What are you going to do to bring down the gas prices?”

A portion of the gasoline glitch local media coverage can be seen here:

Source: Dailywire

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