A new poll shows congressional Republicans have soared to a 10-point lead in a generic ballot test for November’s elections.

The Federalist and Susquehanna Polling & Research conducted a poll between April 19 through April 27 that found if congressional elections were held today, 49% of likely voters would vote for Republicans while 39% would vote for Democrats.

The same poll conducted in February found the GOP with a 47%-41% lead.

Biden’s approval rating has sunk from 42% in February to its current 39% while his disapproval numbers rose from 52% to 54%. Of the respondents, 52% harbored an unfavorable opinion of Biden; 43% viewed him favorably. Biden’s disapproval plunge was manifested strongly in independents, 59% disapproved of how he has handled the presidency while 63% didn’t appreciate how he handled inflation.

The Federalist noted that 70% of respondents approved of laws similar to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. “Fifty-nine percent of Democrats and 69 percent of self-described progressive liberals said they supported anti-grooming laws that protect elementary school children from being forcibly exposed to sexual topics by school employees without parental consent,” The Federalist said, adding, “69 percent of respondents said it was unfair to force female athletes to compete against male athletes who identify as transgender and claim to be women.”

Earlier this week, the Harvard Youth Poll conducted by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University released its Spring 2022 results, finding a huge 18-point plunge in approval of President Biden over the last year among voters aged 18-29.

The poll showed Biden’s approval rating among young voters resting at 41%, as opposed to the 59% approval rating he garnered in the spring of 2021.

“The biggest problem is Biden’s cheap promises to forgive student debt,” Ed Morrissey of Hot Air posited. “It turned out to be far more difficult to achieve rather than promise.” The Harvard poll acknowledged, “When it comes to student loans, 85% of young Americans favor some form of government action on student loan debt, but only 38% favor total debt cancellation.”

The Harvard poll offered more good news for Republicans: “Compared with Spring 2018 Harvard IOP polling, the composition of the electorate looks different. Young Democrats (38% of 18–29-year-olds) are less likely (-5 points) and young Republicans (25% of 18-29-year-olds) are more likely (+7) to vote at this stage.”

A CBS News poll from early April found that nearly two-thirds of Americans said that the “national economy” was “bad.” The poll stated:

Higher prices are leading people to say they’re making cutbacks, especially on more discretionary items like entertainment and travel. (That may, of course, have a wider impact on the economy later.) About half are cutting back on food and groceries, and this is especially the case among those with lower incomes. … Biden gets his lowest approval ratings on the economy and inflation. And on gas prices specifically, most think he could be doing more to lower them. Nearly all Republicans share this view. They believe his policies are doing “a lot” to contribute to higher gas prices.

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Source: Dailywire

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