Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) said late this week that he would work with the state legislature to figure out what they can do to stop illegal aliens from being flown into the state of Florida by the Biden administration.

DeSantis’ comments came in response to news reports this week that an illegal alien in his mid-twenties posed as an unaccompanied minor at the border, was let into the U.S., and then allegedly murdered a father-of-four in Florida.

“There was an individual who had posed as a 17-year-old, actually was in the mid 20s, brought here, had been here, ended up committing a murder,” DeSantis said. “And so now this individual has been detained, should have never been in this country to begin with, and definitely should not have been dumped in the state of Florida.”

“And so these are middle the night flights, no, no notification to the state or anybody,” he added. “And this is not the way you keep people safe, it’s reckless, and it’s wrong. And I’m going to ask the legislature to see what can we do to make sure that they can’t just do this with impunity, because these are private contractors the federal government’s hiring, coming in, you know, if you’re bringing in problems like that, then I think we have to reevaluate, you know, what you’re able to do business wise in the state of Florida.”

“So we’re going to definitely do, I’m gonna see what we could do from executive,” he concluded. “We have, of course, have a pending lawsuit against the Biden administration challenging their catch and release policies. But this is what happens when you engage in reckless policies.”



RON DESANTIS, GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA (R): Just make a couple of additional comments. There was the report in the New York Post about one of what they’re doing with, the Biden administration’s doing, they’re flying in people who came illegally, dumping a lot in Jacksonville in the middle of the night. And there was an individual who had posed as a 17-year-old, actually was in the mid 20s, brought here, had been here, ended up committing a murder. And so now this individual has been detained, should have never been in this country to begin with, and definitely should not have been dumped in the state of Florida. And so these are middle the night flights, no, no notification to the state or anybody. And this is not the way you keep people safe, it’s reckless, and it’s wrong. And I’m going to ask the legislature to see what can we do to make sure that they can’t just do this with impunity, because these are private contractors the federal government’s hiring, coming in, you know, if you’re bringing in problems like that, then I think we have to reevaluate, you know, what you’re able to do business wise in the state of Florida. So we’re going to definitely do, I’m gonna see what we could do from executive. We have, of course, have a pending lawsuit against the Biden administration challenging their catch and release policies. But this is what happens when you engage in reckless policies.

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