Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed President Joe Biden on Wednesday for Biden’s decision to remove a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group from the U.S.’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, warning that the move would embolden terrorists throughout the region.

A statement from DeSantis’ office called the move a “reckless decision to remove the radically communist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) from the United States list of foreign terrorist organizations,” adding that the group “perpetuated countless murders, bombings, assassinations, kidnapping and attacks under the guise of ‘redistributing wealth.’”

DeSantis said:

President Biden’s decision to remove the FARC from the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations will embolden terrorist groups throughout Latin America, empower narco-traffickers and pave the way for Castro-chavismo in Colombia.

Biden’s policy is an insult to members of the Colombian American community, many of whom fled that terrorist group’s barbaric attacks on civilians. This is a serious mistake by the Biden administration and will hurt Floridians. With this mind, my office will ascertain what policy measures our state can take to protect our residents from a resurgent FARC and other terrorist Marxist groups.

My administration stands squarely on the side of the millions of Floridians who want democracy, peace and freedom to endure in Colombia and against Joe Biden’s Castrochavista allies.

Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez also slammed the decision, saying that there was “no such thing as a peace deal when you negotiate with terrorists.”

“Removing the FARC from the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations not only undermines America’s interests and allies in the region but appeases despots like Maduro and Diaz-Canel,” she added.

The Wall Street Journal exclusively reported this week:

The officials said the move could come no later than Nov. 30, coinciding with the five-year anniversary of the historic peace accord between then-President Juan Manuel Santos and rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. Negotiated with U.S. support, the agreement ended a 52-year-conflict and resulted in Mr. Santos winning the Nobel Peace Prize. …

Colombian officials who spent four years negotiating with the FARC had been quietly pressing U.S. officials to drop the terrorist designation against the group. By doing that, the U.S. recognizes the steps rebels took to transform their group into a political party, now called the Common People party, officials said.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the status of FARC this week and whether it was being delisted as a terrorist group.

“I don’t have any update on that,” Psaki said. “I will — I’m happy to check with our national security team and see if there’s anything we can get to all of you.”

“As if taking off the Houthis in Yemen from the list of terrorist organizations wasn’t bad enough already,” retired U.S. diplomat Alberto Miguel Fernandez said. “The Biden Administration now rewarding the narco-leftist FARC in Colombia.”

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Source: Dailywire

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