Former President Bill Clinton’s accuser Juanita Broaddrick told The Daily Wire on Monday that, before Twitter permanently banned her, she regularly used her platform to communicate with and console victims of abuse and rape.

“It’s just horrible,” Broaddrick said emotionally in a phone interview with The Daily Wire, adding of her large following, “The main thing is that I miss them, they were like my family.”

Twitter permanently suspended Broaddrick’s account after she tweeted on April 9, “When will this vaccine crap be over? Big Pharma has profited enough for the next hundred years. Stop pushing vaccines that don’t work and alter DNA.”

A Twitter spokeswoman told The Daily Wire on Monday that Broaddrick’s tweet violated the platform’s COVID-19 misinformation policy and that her account was “permanently suspended” for “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy.” The COVID-19 vaccines do not alter DNA.

“We’ve been clear that, per our strike system for this policy, we will permanently suspend accounts for repeated violations of the policy,” the spokeswoman said.

Broaddrick, who has accused Clinton of raping her in 1978, when she was volunteering for his gubernatorial campaign, described the suspension as “just devastating.”

Broaddrick said that she used Twitter to communicate with people who believe her allegations as well as people going through traumatic experiences themselves.

“One of the big things that I like to do, I get probably 150 direct messages every day on Twitter, and the first thing I do when I get up in the morning, is go to that and see if there’s any women or even men that contact me, that are in immediate trouble, that are in a bad relationship or they’ve been raped and they don’t know what to do,” she explained.

“Those are the things I concentrate on in my direct messages, and then I’ll go to the other stuff,” Broaddrick said. “I go through those every morning to make sure there’s not somebody in harms way.”

The Clinton accuser said she believes that Twitter does not want her to have a platform due to her allegations against the Clintons.

“Because the Clintons have so much power and I’m a rape victim of Bill Clinton,” she said.

Broaddrick had tweeted at disgraced journalist Dan Rather on April 9, reminding Rather of his 1999 remark that “even if” Broaddrick’s rape allegations were true, the alleged rape “happened a long time ago.”

“Even if it does it turns out to be true, it happened a long time ago and number three, they’ve gotta be figuring maybe, just maybe the American public has heard all they want to hear about this and are saying you know, ‘Next. Let’s move on to the next thing,’” Rather said on the Don Imus radio program.

“I tweeted that and I tweeted some other things about the Clintons,” she said, “but that might just be my paranoia regarding the Clintons.”

“I’ve made so many friends and tried to help walk them through the problems that they are going through,” she shared tearfully. “And that hurts me.”

In February 1999, Broaddrick first told The Washington Post that Clinton raped her in April 1978 when he was the Arkansas attorney general running for governor and she was volunteering for his campaign.

She said that they chatted and he invited her to his campaign office, then changed the location to her hotel coffee shop, then to her hotel room, where he allegedly forcibly kissed her then raped her on her bed.

Broaddrick told WaPo that she did not scream — she says the rape happened very quickly — and that Clinton allegedly left her mouth bruised and swollen.

“The last thing he said to me was, ‘You better get some ice for that,’” she told the publication. “And he put on his sunglasses and walked out the door.”

Clinton’s legal team denied her allegations.

Broaddrick also shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation in March 2021 that after the alleged rape, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told her, “I just want you to know how appreciative that Bill and I are for all that you’re doing for his campaign.”

“She grabbed my arm very strongly and pulled me back to her, pulled me down to her face and said, ‘Do you understand everything you do?’ And at that moment in time, I thought she knew,” Broaddrick said. “To me that was a threat.”

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Source: Dailywire

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