Sailors on a fleet of U.S. Navy warships sailing off the coast southern California coast reportedly saw several ships in the convoy get “swarmed” by a host of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

“The incident went on for hours, and then happened again and again throughout the month, with craft hovering and zipping around near the fleet with flashing multicolored lights,” the Daily Mail reported about the July 2019 incident.

U.S. officials have dismissed the incident, with the Deputy Director for Naval Intelligence Scott Bray saying he was “reasonably confident” the UFOs were drones.

“But documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, in an exclusive interview with, says that crew from the ships have told him the swarms of ‘at least 100’ UFOs possessed unexplainable capabilities far beyond traditional drones. And he warned that unless the government can determine who was behind the swarm, the intelligence failure would ‘dwarf our mistakes made surrounding the events of 9/11,’” the Mail reported.

“I don’t care if these were ‘drones’ or true UFOs, pyramids, triangles or even seagulls with lights strapped onto their wings. I want the fundamental question to be answered. Do we know the controllers of these units?” he told the U.K. paper.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Air Force has reportedly fired at UFOs in active war zones, according to another new report.

“‘The Air Force routinely observes, and at times, even kinetically engages UAP [unidentified aerial phenomena]  in operationally sensitive areas around the world to this day,’ a service member with direct knowledge of recent UAP Air Force engagements said,” according to The Sun.

“While some UAP are eventually identified, too often others are hastily dismissed outright due to an inability to properly classify, based on characteristics displayed and observed,” the service member told the paper.

During a recent House hearing, Bray was asked about the military firing at UAPs. “And I assume we’ve never discharged any armaments against a UAP, correct?” Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) asked Bray.

“That’s correct,” Bray said.

But Corbell said no one knows where the UAPs come from. “I have obtained documentation that these UAPs are not other nations’ assets – such as Russia’s – because the U.S. Air Force has documented incidents where nations fired on the same UAP,” Corbell told the paper. “So whoever is controlling these units, it’s not the usual suspects, they’re not ours or Russia’s.”

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent for a national newspaper. He was also the a.m. editor of the Drudge Report for four years. Send tips to [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @josephcurl.

Source: Dailywire

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