British citizens can purchase environmentally-conscious “woke coke.”

Dealers are marketing the cocaine to wealthy buyers in what experts suspect is a clever scam.

As The Mirror reports:

So-called “woke coke” has been touted as being ethically sourced from well-paid farmers. But drugs experts say claims it may help the planet are nothing more than “clever marketing” to keep prices high.

Far from saving trees, they say increased demand for it is only contributing to an environmental disaster in South America, where the overwhelming majority is sourced. Experts estimate that for every gram of powder snorted in Britain, four square metres of rainforest is cut down.

So with every sniff, ­rainforests are being slowly but irreparably destroyed and the cycle of bloodshed and misery linked to the trade goes on and on.

As former Detective Sergeant and current Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP UK) leader Neil Woods explained to The Mirror, the drug — which sells for £200 ($277) per gram — is merely a “woke coke con.”

“The dealers can lie because the government has no control and they are being increasingly clever about how they operate,” he said. “The amount of money being made is obscene — the cocaine industry generates around £2.5 billion [$3.46 billion] annually in the UK.”

Lawrence Gibbons, Head of Drug Threat at Britain’s National Crime Agency, asserted that “the cocaine trade inevitably drives violence and destruction in the UK and abroad, ranging from violence and exploitation in source countries to young and vulnerable people on the streets of the UK put at significant risk.”

“I’ve never heard of woke coke but I can tell you, no one in Colombia produces cocaine ‘ethically,’” added Colombian aid worker Bibiana Villota.

The New York Post reports that “woke coke” sells for four times greater than normal street prices in the United Kingdom.

“Woke coke” ought not to be confused with The Coca-Cola Company, which recently faced backlash after its make-your-own-label “Share A Coke” promotion accidentally blocked the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”

Users were able to customize eight-ounce glass bottles with phrases such as “White Lives Matter,” “Asian Lives Matter,” and “Baby Lives Matter.” However, “Black Lives Matter” produced an error message: “Oops! Looks like the name you requested is not an approved one. Names may not be approved if they’re potentially offensive to other people, trademarked, or celebrity names. We’ve worked hard to get this list right, but sometimes we mess up. If you think this is an error, please contact our Customer Care team. Otherwise, please try again, keep it fun and in the spirit of sharing!”

Left-leaning fans took to social media to blast the company. Soon enough, many realized that terms such as “Lesbian,” “Mexican,” and “Gay Pride” were also blocked.

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Source: Dailywire

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