Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) enthusiasm for President Biden’s student loan debt cancellation plans, calling her an “entitled sponge.”

Ocasio-Cortez had been asked how Biden’s plans would benefit those who had paid off their student loans. She answered, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Not every program has to be for everybody.”

“People with apartments pay for first-time homeowner benefits … young people pay for Medicare for our seniors,” she patronized. “People who take public transit pay for car infrastructure.”

“I pay for everything, I get nothing. Nothing!” Gutfeld began. “No, I love how she explains it. They’re not meant for you. Right. But then you have to ask, ‘Okay, then what is this debt forgiveness? Who is it meant for?’” he pointed out.

“And when you look at the data, it’s upper white, middle class, liberal women. This ain’t welfare, right?” he noted. “These are well-to-do people. It’s a bribe for Democrats on the backs of plumbers, truckers, and everyone else who actually does a real job. Unlike me, AOC is the symbol of the entitled sponge. She complains about student loans, but she owns a Tesla, and worse, she owns a French bulldog.”

“Turn in the Tesla; sell the dog. I’ll buy it at half price,” he suggested.

In December 2021, Gutfeld harshly criticized Democrats calling for student loan debt cancellation, snapping, “You know what? Screw you! No one has to pay your damn debt! That’s on you! It is not a moral obligation on anybody for the decisions that you made.”

“Why don’t we do car loan debt? … that’s more for the working class than for these overeducated, over-caffeinated idiots,” he continued. “But you put that on taxpayers, I will join the Army because you ain’t making me pay for your stupid [debt].”

In late 2021, Ocasio-Cortez stated on the House floor that it was “ridiculous” that she needed to pay $17,000 in student loans. “I’m 32 years old now,” she said. “I have over $17,000 in student loan debt, and I didn’t go to graduate school because I knew that getting another degree would drown me in debt that I would never be able to surpass. This is unacceptable.”

Ocasio-Cortez makes an annual salary of $174,000.

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Source: Dailywire

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