Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY) is considering getting back at Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) by shipping New Yorkers to Texas in retaliation for the Lone Star State sending busloads of illegal aliens to the Big Apple.

The feud between the two men has been brewing for weeks, and on Tuesday, Adams kicked it up a notch by saying “for the good of America,” Abbott must be voted out of office.

“I’ve already called all my friends in Texas, and told them how to cast their vote,” Adams said in a response to a reporter who asked if he planned to get involved in the Texas gubernatorial election.

“I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old-fashioned door-knocking,” he added with a smirk.

On Sunday morning, Adams met the second busload of illegal aliens arriving from Texas at the New York Port Authority. The Democratic mayor — who ran for election with a promise to keep New York a “sanctuary city” — blasted Governor Abbott for transporting the immigrants across the country to his city.

“This is horrific when you think about what [Abbott] is doing,” Adams said during a press conference. “New York is a city that has always represented democratic values. Showing our values. That’s what we’re doing today.”

“It is unimaginable what the governor of Texas has done,” he claimed. “When you think about this country, a country that has always been open to those who are fleeing persecution and other intolerable conditions.”

“We’ve always welcomed that. And this governor is not doing that in Texas,” he added. “But we are going to set the right message and the right tone of being here for these families.”

For his part, Abbott blasted Adams, saying, “What’s horrific is the thousands of illegal immigrants overrunning and overwhelming our border communities with populations smaller than a New York City borough, and Mayor Adams is hypocritically upset about welcoming a few dozen into his sanctuary city.”

“These migrants willingly chose to go to New York City, having signed a voluntary consent waiver, available in multiple languages, upon boarding that they agreed on the destination,” he argued.

“If the mayor wants a solution to this crisis, he should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border-something the President continues failing to do,” Abbott claimed. “The Biden Administration is allowing historic levels of illegal immigrants, weapons, and deadly drugs like fentanyl to surge into our state and dumping migrants in our border towns with little to no help provided.”

Abbott is facing Democratic nominee Beto O’Rourke in the 2022 gubernatorial election.

Source: Dailywire

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