Former NFL player Jack Brewer slammed former NFL player turned left-wing activist Colin Kaepernick during an interview on Monday, saying that Kaepernick’s message to young black men in the U.S. is poison.

“This new Colin Kaepernick doctrine that’s penetrating the minds and hearts of so many of our underserved black kids across America is the single largest threat to black men in the United States of America,” Brewer told Fox News. “Because right now, folks are thinking that they’re victims, and they’re living in the most prosperous, the most opportunity, in any country in the world. And so this one hurts me, because every day I get up, and I go out and try to help young African American boys become men, and try to instill those values. And when you have someone like this, who has the audacity to call multi-millionaires ‘slaves’ and compare a process of someone living their dream, going to the National Football League, comparing that to slavery, it’s gone over overboard.”

“And I think Colin Kaepernick needs to do some soul searching, you just watched that video, you see how dark it is, and to take the most fragmented, the most vulnerable population we have in America, where we have kids that 70% of them don’t have fathers, most, a lot of them can’t, their reading and math proficiency levels rate against third world countries,” he added. “You have kids that are already hopeless and then you go out and push this mentality and you’re supposed to be someone that’s a leader. Think about the movement that this guy started, the opportunity that he has, that he could actually come in and promote positivity to young black and African American men and tell him how great this country is. He doesn’t have that spirit, and he has an evil anti-American spirit, it is sick and disgusting to think that.”



FOX NEWS HOST: In the meantime, former NFL player Colin Kaepernick stirring controversy after comparing the NFL’s draft process to a slave auction, he makes the claims in his new Netflix special. Here to react, former NFL player and CEO of the Brewer Group, Jack Brewer. Jack, good morning to you.

JACK BREWER, FORMER NFL PLAYER: Good morning. Congratulations for your new roll. It’s good to see.

FOX NEWS HOST: Thank you so much, so kind. Well, there’s nobody better to talk about this topic than you. So what is your reaction to Colin Kaepernick comparing the NFL to slavery?

BREWER: First off, my dignity is in place. And I did go to the NFL Combine. And I tell you what, this new Colin Kaepernick doctrine that’s penetrating the minds and hearts of so many of our underserved black kids across America is the single largest threat to black men in the United States of America. Because right now, folks are thinking that they’re victims, and they’re living in the most prosperous, the most opportunity, in any country in the world. And so this one hurts me, because every day I get up, and I go out and try to help young African American boys become men, and try to instill those values. And when you have someone like this, who has the audacity to call multi-millionaires ‘slaves’ and compare a process of someone living their dream, going to the National Football League, comparing that to slavery, it’s gone over overboard. And I think Colin Kaepernick needs to do some soul searching, you just watched that video, you see how dark it is, and to take the most fragmented, the most vulnerable population we have in America, where we have kids that 70% of them don’t have fathers, most, a lot of them can’t, their reading and math proficiency levels, rate against third world countries. You have kids that are already hopeless and then you go out and push this mentality and you’re supposed to be someone that’s a leader. Think about the movement that this guy started, the opportunity that he has, that he could actually come in and promote positivity to young black and African American men and tell him how great this country is. He doesn’t have that spirit, and he has an evil anti American spirit, it is sick and disgusting to think that … that even Netflix, someone that big and popular, would even put something out like that, to penetrate the mind of these kids should be illegal.

FOX NEWS HOST: You know, how do you fight back against this logic, Jack? Because I know that this is something that you try to do on a day to day basis.

BREWER: The only way you can do it is through the word of God, to actually bring in spirituality, back to kids and let them know, young black kids, and I’ll tell you right now, you are kings in the kingdom of God. God sees you as a king, you are not a victim. We are not divided by race. We are one human race. And anyone that doesn’t believe that, if they have evil spirits in them, they’re sick, they have a heart issue. And so you can’t just go around and say that everybody is racist. If it wasn’t for some white people fighting against slavery, we’d still be slaves. And so this, that entire mentality has to be changed. And so the way we do it is we go in and we fight back against this nasty education system that spends all this money $20,000, $25,000 per kid per school year, and doesn’t teach them how to read and write and we try to get their reading and math proficiency levels up. We try to buy them shoes and clothes so that they feel like they can be accepted, when they’re underserved. And that’s working. And those are the type of things we need to be talking about in this country. Not this Colin Kaepernick doctrine.

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