A Democratic member of Congress was attacked by a fox on Capitol Hill Monday night as multiple fox sightings in the area were reported on Monday and Tuesday. 

“I didn’t see it and all of a sudden I felt something lunge at the back of my leg,” Democratic Rep. Ami Bera (CA) said on Tuesday afternoon. “I jumped and got my umbrella.”

Bera said the fox bit his leg and told PunchBowl News that he managed to scare the animal with his umbrella and that it ran away after Capitol Police showed up. “It was the most bizarre day in Congress.”

“We have received several reports of aggressive fox encounters on or near the grounds of the U.S. Capitol,” the U.S. Capitol Police Department said in a statement released on Tuesday afternoon.  “For your safety, please do not approach any foxes. Animal Control Officers are working to trap and relocate any foxes they find.”

A reporter for CQ Now also spotted a fox near the Capitol and posted a picture to Twitter on Monday, writing, “Spotted outside the Capitol: a red fox. I was sitting at a gazebo outside the Russell Senate Office building when this little one came trotting up. Then galloped after a squirrel.”

Animal Control was contacted and set out traps to “relocate any foxes they find.” People were also warned not to approach any foxes they may encounter.

The Cox Media Group reported that the “alert said the fox was spotted in various locations, including the Botanic Garden, the House side of the Capitol and near First and C Streets. Police said the fox may have a den in that area close to the Dirksen Building and another possible den has been spotted near the Russell Building.”

The Capitol fox couldn’t get away forever after attacking Rep. Bera, however, as the Capitol Police provided an update on its Twitter account that the fox had been captured Tuesday afternoon. 

After the fox was caught, Bera provided an update on his leg after the fox bite.

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Source: Dailywire

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