“Cheers” actor Woody Harrelson shared a short poem he wrote in honor of his doppelgänger — Cora, the nine-month-old daughter of a woman from Northern Ireland — late last week.

It all started with a tweet from Cora’s mother, Danielle Grier Mulvenna, who tweeted a photo of her laughing daughter side by side with a photo of Harrelson, smiling.

“Ok but how does our daughter look like Woody Harrelson,” Mulvenna tweeted along with the photos — and her comparison shots quickly went viral.

“Give her oodles of love and affection and one day she’ll be your Zombie protection,” Dr. Jack Brown tweeted his own rhyme in response, apparently dropping in a referencing Harrelson’s appearance in “Zombieland.”

“I’m guessing YOU will have to answer to that, @DanielleKGrier!! Any trips to Texas in the last year or so??” Michelle TaFoya asked the same question voiced by a number of people responding to the adorable snap.

In addition, people flooded Mulvenna’s replies with their own baby doppelgänger photos — including everyone from actor John C. Reilly to popular character Grogu (Baby Yoda) from “The Mandalorian.”

Harrelson soon got wind of his tiny lookalike, and clearly amused, composed and shared a short poem he titled “Ode to Cora.”

You’re an adorable child

Flattered to be compared

You have a wonderful smile

I just wish I had your hair.

Shortly afterward, Mulvenna realized that her phone had done her a grave disservice — and that both the original viral tweet and the follow-up included a misspelled version of the actor’s name: Harreslon.

“Oh my god, it took me two days and 445k likes to realise my phone corrected Harrelson to Harreslon,” she lamented.

She did appear to take her daughter’s newfound fame in stride, however, sharing her favorite headline  (from Newshub) written about the viral photo: “Woman Shocked After Giving Birth to Baby That Looks Just Like Woody …”

“This is my favourite headline so far, like I was just there in hospital with a little Woody Harrelson in a blanket screaming WHHHHHHYYYYYY,” she joked.

Source: Dailywire

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