Former Trump administration official Kash Patel continues to insist that the “classified” documents recovered in the raid on Mar-a-Lago were actually documents pertaining to Russiagate that former President Donald Trump declassified before leaving office.

Patel, who served as chief of staff to the acting United States secretary of defense at the end of the Trump administration, has been making the claim since shortly after Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort was raided by the FBI on August 8. He told The Daily Wire in a recent interview that Trump declassified documents relating to the years-long claim from Democrats and the media that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, a claim that has been disproven.

“Trump unilaterally declassified every Russiagate document and every Hillary Clinton email document. He did it by social media, issued a written statement,” Patel said, adding that he didn’t know any documents were at Mar-a-Lago.

Patel also said that the reason he’s so convinced the Mar-a-Lago documents are the ones Trump declassified is that they outline “the same corrupt FBI agents at the counterintelligence division” that were involved in Russiagate, Hillary Clinton’s emails, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Patel told The Daily Wire that it was a “smart” but “evil” move by the Department of Justice to put Trump under a counterintelligence investigation because “those never close.” He said it paralleled what former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray did to Patel and his then-boss, former Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), which was to refuse to hand over documents because of an open investigation.

“Now they have an open investigation and they’re never going to release the Russiagate documents until [Republicans] take back the House, we subpoena them, and we take their money,” Patel said.

He insisted that he and Nunes were able to release 60% of the information they received relating to the Russiagate investigation and that he has been working to get the other 40% released as well. Patel said the information that has yet to be disclosed is “the most damning.”

“He and I, of course, can’t talk about it even though POTUS declassified it because the FBI will come up and say, ‘You’re leaking classified information,’” Patel told The Daily Wire.

In order to get the declassified Russiagate documents released to the public, as Trump wanted, Republicans are going to have to work very hard if they are able to take control of the House of Representatives during the mid-term elections, Patel said.

“Not just a series of subpoenas for the documents and public testimony of the witnesses,” Patel said. “They won’t respond to that, but what they will respond to is what Devin and I did … I fenced their money. I took $100 million from FBI and said, ‘Until you comply with the subpoena, no money.’ A thousand documents showed up the next day.”

Patel was the lead investigator for Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and has in recent months become Trump’s representative to the National Archives, trying to get all information pertaining to Russiagate released to the public on his website,

“In the aftermath of the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, President Trump continues to call for complete transparency. Release the already declassified documents, there is no lawful authority preventing this, just politics in law enforcement. These bad actors cannot be permitted to dictate how they serve the American people by hiding the truth. Demand action, remind them, they work for you, not the other way around,” Patel said in a previous statement regarding the National Archives’ refusal to release Russiagate documents.

Source: Dailywire

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