Fox News foreign correspondent Benjamin Hall, who was injured while reporting from Ukraine, gave an update on his condition Thursday, saying he has lost half a leg, one foot, and use of one of his eyes.

The Washington Examiner reported that Hall’s update came in a now-deleted tweet that included an image of him wearing an eye patch.

“To sum it up, I’ve lost half a leg on one side and a foot on the other,” Hall said in the tweet, according to the Examiner. “One hand is being put together, one eye is no longer working, and my hearing is blown.”

Hall added that he felt “pretty damn lucky to be here,” calling those who helped him “amazing.” He also took the time to honor his colleagues who were killed on March 13 when their vehicle was hit while they were covering the war in Ukraine. Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski and journalist Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova, who was working with Fox News as a consultant, died in the attack.

“Pierre and I traveled the world together, working was his joy and his joy was infectious,” Hall said in another tweet. “RIP.” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott released a statement after Zkrzewski’s death, which said, in part:

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we share the news this morning regarding our beloved cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski. Pierre was killed in Horenka, outside Kyiv, Ukraine. Pierre was with Benjamin Hall yesterday newsgathering when their vehicle was struck by incoming fire.

Pierre was a war zone photographer who covered nearly every international story for FOX News from Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria during his long tenure with his. His passion and talent as a journalist were unmatched. Based in London, Pierre had been working in Ukraine since February. His talents were vast and there wasn’t a role he didn’t jump in to help with in the field — from photographer to engineer to editor to producer — and he did it all under immense pressure with tremendous skill. He was profoundly committed to the story and his bravery, professionalism and work ethic were renowned among journalists at every media outlet. He was wildly popular — everyone in the media industry who has covered a foreign story knew and respected Pierre.

The Daily Wire reported on Thursday about how Hall was extracted from Ukraine, which Fox News National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin likened to “the stuff of movies.” When Griffin heard of Hall’s injury and the deaths of Zakrzewski and Kuvshynova, she began working to get Hall home. The Daily Wire reported:

Griffin told People that her first move was to call Jay Wallace hoping to find out more information. Wallace knew that Hall had been hurt, but asked Griffin whether she knew who had been with him.

“And that’s when I realized that [veteran cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski] was with him,” she says. “And then [‘Sasha’ Kuvshynova] also was missing,” Griffin said. “So at that point, I said to Jay, ‘Do you want me to help?’ And he said, ‘Yes.’”

Griffin’s next stop was Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby — and he reminded her that President Joe Biden’s promise not to send American troops to Ukraine meant that the federal government could not take any official action to help them get to Hall.

Griffin had another plan in mind, however. “If I can get Benjamin to the border, can you have a team from Landstuhl help him?” she asked, referencing a U.S. Army-controlled hospital in Germany — the largest of its kind outside the continental United States.

That, Kirby said, was a workable solution — and Griffin went back to the phones. This time she called Save Our Allies cofounder Sarah Verardo to see if they could help.

Griffin was able to determine in which of three hospitals Hall was being treated, and learned that two men working with Save Our Allies were going to find out if Hall could be extracted. Hall was kept stable as he was moved to the border, where he was rescued and brought back to the U.S.

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Source: Dailywire

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