Alleged sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell apparently kept a 58-page list of rules dictating how staff at the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s estates were supposed to act, including the demand that they “see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing.”

The New York Post reported that Epstein’s former housekeep Juan Alessi testified at Maxwell’s trial about the “very degrading” way the couple treated staff. A 2005 manual detailing what was expected of staff was provided as evidence. From the Post:

Staff needed to “anticipate the needs of Mr. Epstein, Ms. Maxwell and their guests,” stated the introduction of the manual, which made clear that disgraced media baron Robert Maxwell’s daughter was sharing the master bedroom with the perverted moneyman at the time.

“Remember that you see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing, except to answer a question directed at you,” it warned on the first page of orders.

The rules detailed a slew of instructions for each room, especially the master bedroom, which had to be kept at 60 degrees and have JE and GM telephone directories” near the phone. A separate bedroom was not listed for Maxwell, though she had her own bathroom.

Additionally, staffers were ordered to keep a “gun placed in bedside table drawer.”

The manual also showed that Maxwell and Epstein were, perhaps, paranoid at the time of its writing, which was before Epstein was convicted for having sex with underage girls.

“Unless otherwise instructed, NEVER disclose Mr. Epstein or Ms. Maxwell’s activities or whereabouts to anyone,” the rulebook said. “Do not be bullied … simply be firm.”

Staff were also required to “advise Ms. Maxwell of any strange telephone calls or enquiries” and “any unusual behavior, such as strangers lurking around the vicinity of the property.”

The rulebook also demanded that each of Epstein’s cars was to have no less than three-quarters of a tank of gas and must contain at least $100 inside.

Alessi, according to the Post, testified that he “was supposed to be blind, deaf and dumb and say nothing of their lives,” referring to Maxwell and Epstein.

The rulebook also insisted staff always have a “polite ‘aim to please’ approach” and never discuss their “personal problems.” They were also told to “be cautious of noise levels and noise.”

In other words, “Unobtrusive is the key.”

More from the Post:

“Do not eat or drink in front of Mr. Epstein, Ms. Maxwell and their guests,” stressed the rules, which also forbade chewing gum and allowing cellphones to ring while dealing with the couple or their guests. The house phone “should be answered in three rings or less,” the book warned.

“You do not expound on the weather or any other subject” when entering bedrooms, the guide warned.

Staff had a list of common words and phrases that were banned, including “yeah,” “sure,” “gotcha,” “you bet,” “I dunno” and even “no problem.”

They were instead told to say the likes of “with pleasure” and “You are quite right” — and if criticized, reply, “It was completely my fault; I will make the changes immediately.” 

Staff had a strict uniform of blue pants and white golf shirts, replaced with long-sleeve white shirts “for dinner service.”

Staff were told that “Items in pockets must not create a bulge or be visible” and that they should “avoid using strong perfume or aftershave lotion.”

Staff was also required to rotate on “standby duty,” where there were not allowed to “travel more than one hour from your home base” so that “the maximum time it will take you to return, is one hour.”

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Source: Dailywire

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