The Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade Friday caused thousands of pro-abortion advocates to take to the streets and voice their anger with the decision, but many considered other avenues to show their disapproval of the Roe reversal.

Google searches for “how to move to Canada from U.S.” spiked 850% in the hour following the high court’s decision, according to a report from Axios that cited Google Trends data. People searching “how to become a Canadian citizen” also jumped 550% during the same time period.

Following the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision to uphold a 2018 Mississippi abortion ban, with five of the justices also deciding to overturn Roe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the ruling “a devastating setback.”

“My heart goes out to the millions of American women who are now set to lose their legal right to an abortion. I can’t imagine the fear and anger you are feeling right now,” he tweeted. “No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.”

The Canadian leader also told reporters at a summit in Rwanda that he was thinking of women specifically in the U.S. affected by the end of Roe. “Today I think of those generations of women around the world and specifically in the United States who fought so hard to gain rights … and are facing this devastating setback.”

Canada holds some of the most radical abortion-friendly laws in the world. The country has no federal restrictions on abortions, and women can abort their unborn child at any stage of the pregnancy. Abortions in the country are also publicly funded, The Daily Wire previously reported.

Moving to Canada has been a popular consideration for many on the Left when U.S. politics don’t go their way. The new Google search trend echoes similar sentiments by Left-leaning celebrities leading up to and following the election of former President Donald Trump in November 2016.

Celebrities like Chelsea Handler, Lena Dunham, Stephen King, Barbara Streisand, and others all suggested they would move to America’s northern neighbor if Trump won the election. However, none of them followed through on their commitments.

Leif Le Mahieu contributed to this report.

Source: Dailywire

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