“Diary of a Mad Black Woman” actress Kimberly Elise celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and was quickly swarmed with hate.

Elise posted a photo on Tuesday of a little black child accompanied by two verses from the Book of Psalms about children being knitted in their mothers’ wombs by God.

“For You formed my inward parts, You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalms 139:13-14,” the post said, with “Jesus Loves Me” music set as the background.

“Millions of babies will be saved from death by abortion due to the overturning of Roe V. Wade,” Elise captioned the post. “Hallelujah!”

As of Wednesday, though, comments on the post have been turned off, likely due to backlash the actress quickly received.

For example, a popular gossip account called The Shade Room, boasting 26.8 million-plus followers, reposted Elise’s post and received more than 38,000 comments and 3.4 million views.

“And this is why Charles dragged you outside!!!!” one of the most-liked comments said.

The reference to Charles is about a character who was abusive to a character named Hellen, played by Elise, in Tyler Perry’s popular “Diary of a Mad Black Woman.”

“Charles is now my favorite,” another popular comment said, and, “So you still mad Charles caused you 3 miscarriages?”

“She killed her career this time!” one person wrote, garnering many likes. “And sad to say but millions will probably die other ways because their moms couldn’t get one,” another comment outlandishly claimed.

“Let women make their own choice! Whether you for abortion or not!!! Let her make her own decision!!!” another social media user said. “And how many children are going to be abandoned and dumped into foster care?” someone wrote.

“Make sure she never works again. Lol. Back to the cleaning business!!” another comment said.

Florida Republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer, who is black, said the backlash has to do with Elise being black.

“Kimberly Elise is being attacked because she is a Black woman who is pro-life,” she wrote. “To the libs, we’re nothing but ‘n*****s’ if we aren’t liberals. I was never called that word my entire life until I ran as a Republican. Now it’s a daily thing. Kimberly, don’t bend & stay strong!”

Source: Dailywire

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