A Jewish nurse who works at a hospital in London was reportedly left “shaken” after men allegedly confronted her in an elevator and screamed, “I want to kill all your people.”

“Hadasa Mayerfeld, a 27-year-old neonatal intensive care nurse, has worked at the hospital for four years, caring for new-born babies from a wide range of religions and ethnicities,” reported The Jewish Chronicle. “Ms Mayerfeld was travelling in one of the hospital lifts on Tuesday when a man noticed her Magen David necklace and proceeded to shout at her.”

According to the report, “A second man in the lift, who was dressed in a religious Muslim robe, laughed along as he watched the confrontation.”

The Jewish Chronicle continued, reporting that the man in question, who is not a member of hospital staff, said, “So you don’t support a free Palestine?”

“How can someone who comes from people who kill all our innocent children get a job working here?” he reportedly continued. “I want to kill all your people, we need to kill all you people.”

“I spend hours on end caring for babies from all walks of life. Every race, every religion, every ethnicity. I care for each of them with so much love and devotion to give them all the care they need,” said Mayerfeld, who will be launching a formal complaint regarding the incident. “Even at work I need to be scared to stand up for my religion and my beliefs.”

This alleged incident of anti-Semitic hate is the latest in a string of similar events across the Western world.

In mid-May, The Daily Wire reported that “a pro-Palestinian convoy was seen traveling through North London as anti-Israel protests broke out across the United Kingdom. Adorned with Palestinian flags, the small crowd delivered revolting anti-Semitic statements with a megaphone.”

“F*** the Jews,” the “activists” screamed. “F*** their daughters, f*** their mothers, rape their daughters.”

“Free Palestine,” they added.

Last week, “Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.”

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Video footage showed pro-Palestinian “activists” shouting anti-Semitic abuse, such as “f***ing Zionist,” while one group reportedly “mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish.”

That same week, “a caravan waving pro-Palestinian flags approached” a restaurant in Los Angeles, after which “[a] mob of men dressed in black then physically attacked a group of Jewish diners and others sitting outside.”

“The attackers reportedly yelled anti-Semitic slurs, threw glass objects, and asked indiscriminately, ‘Who’s Jewish?’” noted The Daily Wire.

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Source: Dailywire

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