An illegal drag race ended on Saturday with Chicago Police officers being attacked — when a crowd surrounded a marked car, shattering one window and opening the doors, throwing live fireworks into their open vehicle.

Police were called to assist several incidents late Saturday night and into Sunday morning — after large crowds, gathered either to participate in or observe the drag racing, had blocked off several streets.

According to a report posted by CWB Chicago, two officers were injured and three vehicles sustained damage as officers attempted to shut down the illegal street races.

“The first incident occurred in the 4000 block of North Milwaukee in Portage Park around 2:27 a.m,” the outlet reported. “A 35-year-old officer was responding to a call of drag racers blocking the street when an object struck his windshield, causing it to shatter. The officer, who has been on the force for about ten years, stopped his car.”

Several videos of the night’s events circulated on Twitter on Sunday.

Chicago mayoral candidate Paul Vallas (D) tweeted one video with the caption, “Last night @ Cicero/Irving large crowd gathered 4 drag racing. CPD arrives and offenders attack Officer. Jumping on car/shattering windshield a& opened doors throwing fireworks inside. They exploded & wrapped w/nails. Officer is hurt. There is no fear as CPD hands are tied.”

Still others shared different angles on the action:

Vallas called on the public to help in identifying anyone they could from the videos, tweeting a second with the caption, “This is a 2nd video of the lawlessness. If you can help identify any of these individuals in both videos call Area 5 Detective Division at 312-746-6554 or use website. We cannot allow the violence against our brave CPD Officers to continue!”

He repeated that call for public assistance with a third video as well.

A second call went out after drag racers were spotted just after 3 a.m. near the 4300 block of South Pulaski.

“A CPD spokesperson said that police were responding to a large group of drag racers causing disturbances when they were confronted by a crowd blocking the roadway,” CWB Chicago reported. “Someone in the crowd threw an object that shattered the officer’s patrol car window. She was hit on the head, neck, and body by flying glass. The crowd threw an object at a second squad car at the scene, too. The officer inside the vehicle was treated and released.”

Source: Dailywire

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