Daily Wire host Matt Walsh joined Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night to discuss recent videos of an Amazon meeting that showed employees complaining about Walsh’s bestselling children’s book, “Johnny the Walrus.”

Videos of the meeting were posted to Twitter Tuesday by the popular account Libs of TikTok, The Daily Wire previously reported.

“‘Johnny The Walrus’ is a bit of a problematic book. … Not a bit, it is not a bit of a problem, it is one hell of a problem,” an Amazon employee leading the meeting said. 

Carlson prefaced the interview by showing his audience the video of the meeting before bringing Walsh in and asking, “This book is deemed problematic by Amazon. What do you make of this?” 

Walsh told Carlson that selling his book on the site makes him an “abuser of Amazon’s system,” according to the Amazon employees. He also described how one of the meeting hosts started to cry as he discussed Walsh’s “traumatic” book. 

“I’m thinking to myself: First of all, I’m just a humble children’s author in a cardigan,” Walsh said, donning a red cardigan over a yellow dress shirt for the interview. “And frankly, I think their behavior towards me is marginalizing me and invalidating my lived experience as a children’s author.”

Walsh went on to explain the book’s message that focuses on a boy who believes he’s a walrus, and his mother goes along with her child’s desired identity, regardless of how crazy it sounds. “It’s about true self-acceptance,” the bestselling children’s author told Carlson. He said the book teaches children to accept who they are biologically, which is their true self. 

“The message of self-acceptance when I was a kid was the most common message in books we read. Except now on the Left, what they foist on kids is this false self-acceptance of actually rejecting who you really are in favor of a delusion,” Walsh said. 

Carlson mentioned the strange behavior of Amazon, a company that profits from selling books and hires employees who are so sensitive to opposing ideas. “How did Bezos end up with employees like this?” the Fox News host asked.

Walsh answered by saying that large corporations and media companies have set up a system where it’s nearly impossible for conservatives to succeed. “That’s what they’re upset with Elon Musk about,” Walsh said, referencing the billionaire’s purchase of Twitter on Monday to the immediate disapproval of many on the Left. 

A baffled Carlson again asked why Amazon would want “censors” running their company. “Shouldn’t they be worried?” he asked.

Walsh agreed that Amazon should be worried about its employees wanting to censor any book. “I would also point out just what they choose to censor and what they choose not to,” referencing a top-selling children’s book that promotes chemical castration for young children. “That’s the kind of book they’re okay with,” Walsh said. “Not my book ‘Johnny the Walrus.’”

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Source: Dailywire

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