Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill Thursday to prevent federal funding of Critical Race Theory (CRT) training at workplaces.

“The federal government has no right to force a political agenda onto Americans, especially one that aims to tear down our institutions and divide us based on race. Critical Race Theory originated out of the critical race studies movement,” Cruz said in a press release. “It is a Marxist ideology that sees the world as a battle, not between the classes — as classical Marxism does — but between the races. This is inherently bigoted.”

“On President Biden’s first day in office, he rescinded the Trump administration’s commonsense executive order ensuring no government funding goes to anti-American or racist and sexist training, like CRT, in the workplace. President Biden’s decision was unsurprising but shows the Democratic Party will stop at nothing to indoctrinate Americans. I am proud to introduce this bill to block federal funding for CRT and ensure the U.S. government doesn’t contribute to this radical ideology,” Cruz continued.

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), who introduced a similar bill in the House of Representatives last month, likewise blasted CRT and its effects on society.

“I grew up attending segregated schools in the Jim Crow South during a time when people were treated differently based on the color of their skin,” said Owens. “Critical Race Theory preserves this way of thinking and undermines civil rights, constitutionally guaranteed equal protection before the law, and U.S. institutions at large. This is the United States of America, and no one should ever be subjected to the discrimination that our laws so clearly prohibit.”

Cruz also excoriated CRT at a recent conference, during which he laid bare the Marxist roots of the ideology. As The Daily Wire reported:

Speaking at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Road to Majority Conference in Orlando, Cruz first recounted how a reporter scurried up to him on Capitol Hill this week asking him to define CRT. “Apparently he thought I would turn to him and say, ‘Gosh I have no idea,’” he said.

“It’s a theory that derives from Marxism,” Cruz said he explained to the reporter. “Karl Marx viewed the entire world as a conflict between classes, between the owners of capital and the working men and women, the proletariat; a fundamental battle in society. Critical Race Theory takes that same Marxist concept, except it replaces class with race.”

“And it says all of America and all of the world is a battle between the races. Critical Race Theory says every white person is a racist. Critical Race Theory says America is fundamentally racist and irredeemably racist. Critical Race Theory seeks to turn us against each other, and if someone has a different color skin, seeks to make us hate that person.”

“And let me tell you right now, Critical Race Theory is bigoted, it is a lie, and it is every bit as racist as the Klansmen in white sheets,” Cruz said to applause from the crowd.

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Source: Dailywire

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