MSNBC host Joy Reid said Monday that people care about the murder of 22-year-old Gabby Petitio because they’re afflicted with so-called “missing white woman syndrome.”

Daily Wire host Candace Owens shot back Tuesday via Twitter, questioning why there’s a media spectacle around the fatal police killings of black males while white people killed by the police get nearly no airtime in the media.

“Yesterday I learned about missing white person syndrome,” Owens tweeted, referring to Reid’s comment. “Can someone let me know what syndrome it is that causes us to ignore every white person that is killed by a police officer, but demands that we burn cities across the world to the ground for thugs like George Floyd?”

Owens was swiftly called a “Race Traitor.”

“When will you learn about the Race Traitor syndrome you suffer from where you go out of your way to get attention by being overly critical about your own race because nobody would care about you otherwise?” posted Andreas Hale.

“White people discussing white people who have committed crimes against other white people is ‘missing white person syndrome,’” Owens replied to Hale. “But black people discussing black people who have committed many crimes against other black people (see: George Floyd) are race traitors.”

“So basically, it’s very important that black people shut up and say nothing when crimes are committed against black victims, but also very important that we get angry and ask why white victims get so much attention when crimes are committed against them,” the “Candace” host added.

As highlighted by The Daily Wire, Reid made her jarring comments about “missing white woman syndrome” on Monday:

“If you’ve been watching the news for the past few days or on Twitter or Tik Tok, you’re probably familiar with the name Gabby Petito,” she began. “The 22-year-old aspiring social media influencer who was reported missing after her fiancé returned from their van life excursion without her.”

“Now, it goes without saying that no family should ever have to endure that kind of pain, and the Petito family certainly deserve answers and justice. But the way this story has captivated the nation has many wondering, why not the same media attention when people of color go missing?” Reid asked. “Well, the answer actually has a name, ‘missing white woman syndrome,’ the term coined by the late and great Gwen Ifill, to describe the media and public fascination with missing white women like Laci Peterson or Natalee Holloway, while ignoring cases involving missing people of color.”

The FBI Denver, the National Park Service, and law enforcement announced Sunday during a news conference in Grand Teton National Park that remains found in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park were believed to be consistent with Petito, ABC7 reported.

The body was confirmed to be Petito’s on Tuesday, and the cause of death was determined to be homicide, pending final autopsy results.

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Source: Dailywire

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