Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick was slammed over the weekend in response to video clips that circulated on social media where he tried to suggest that NFL athletes were treated the same as slaves.

Fox News reported:

“Colin in Black & White” explored the former NFL star’s life from high school to the events that supposedly led him to become an advocate for social justice. One clip that had gone viral on social media showed Kaepernick comparing the scrutiny players receive from coaches to that of slavers.

“But let me tell you, what they don’t want you to understand, is what’s established is a power dynamic,” Kaepernick claimed as images showed NFL athletes being evaluated by coaches.

“Before they put you on the field, teams poke, prod, and examine you searching for any defect that might affect your performance,” he said. “No boundary respected. No dignity left intact.”

The video then cuts back to the days of slavery and those same athletes were shown shackled at a slave auction where they were physically evaluated.


Notable responses to Kaepernick’s claims included:

  • Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT): “How dare @Kaepernick7 compare the evil endured by so many of our ancestors to a bunch of millionaires who CHOSE to play game.”
  • Matt Walsh, The Daily Wire: “Kaepernick spent half a decade crying that NFL teams wouldn’t give him a shot and now he’s decided that actually being an NFL player is like being a slave. This dude is the most obvious and shameless con artist in modern American history.”
  • David Hookstead, The Daily Caller: “Colin Kaepernick thinks playing in the NFL is the same as being a slave. Kaepernick made $43.4 million playing for the 49ers and he still has a multi-million dollar Nike deal. This guy is an idiot and will do anything for attention. It’s that simple.”
  • Clay Travis, sports commentator: “Colin Kaepernick compares the NFL combine, which allows all players of all races a voluntary chance to become multi-millionaires, to slavery. Anyone still defending this imbecile lacks a functional brain.”
  • Ian Miles Cheong, journalist: “The irony of Colin Kaepernick is that he’ll compare the NFL to slavery but remain silent on actual slavery in Xinjiang, where his Nike shoes are made.”
  • Jeff Hecht, athlete: “This is so ridiculous. Comparing NFL players to slaves? Idiotic. Kaepernick does a disgusting disservice to those who actually suffered through slavery. This is so dumb.”
  • Kathy Barnette, political candidate: “My ancestors knew real slavery… it wasn’t being paid $20 million/year to play a game.”
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Source: Dailywire

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