Appearing on Fox News with host Jesse Waters, California GOP gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder, who is the leading GOP candidate to replace California Democrat governor Gavin Newsom should he be recalled on September 14,  was asked about the incident earlier this week in which a white woman in a gorilla mask fired an egg at him. He responded, “Well, she might be one of the 20,000 people that were released early from our prisons, felons, many of whom were violent offenders under this governor,” adding, “If I were a Democrat, obviously, this would be called systemic racism; they’d call it a hate crime.”

Watters prompted, “So you see the white lady in the gorilla mask, throwing eggs. What exactly happened there, Larry?”

“Well, she might be one of the 20,000 people that were released early from our prisons, felons, many of whom were violent offenders under this governor; I don’t know,” Elder replied. “We have too-soft-on-crimes DAs; I consider this to be one of the many intersections in California, intersections between lawlessness and homelessness. I was at a homeless encampment in Venice and a lot of people are angry; homeowners are angry; families are angry children have to go past these people to and from school, and the homeless population is endangered and it’s also a health hazard. Nothing’s being done about it; that’s one of the many failures of this governor.”

“So it was a very angry, ugly scene; if I were a Democrat, obviously, this would be called systemic racism; they’d call it a hate crime,” he asserted. “I don’t like to play that game. I do know this: There was a big article about me, a negative in The New York Times; it never mentioned once that I’m black; never mentioned that I would be the first black governor of California. I’ve never made a big deal out of that; I don’t want people to vote for or against me because I’m black, but on the very same page of The New York Times was an article about the ‘first female governor of New York,’ even though she didn’t get elected; she was basically appointed because the other governor resigned. So they cared about the first when it was a female Democrat but couldn’t give a rip about the first when it was a black Republican.”

Watters said Fox had reached out to Newsom’s office as well as the offices of Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Vice President Kamala Harris but got no response. He asked, “How does that make you feel?”

“Crickets. Crickets,” Elder remarked. “And when Gavin Newsom’s children were criticized because Gavin Newsom mandated that you wear masks outdoors, and his kids were in summer camp not wearing face masks, we put out a statement saying leave Gavin Newsom’s children out of this. But the governor has not put out a statement about this woman, apparently, a white woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at me.”

Elder turned to the high-powered Democrats who had campaigned against Newsom’s recall: “I don’t expect that, because look, all of these people have come in; Joe Biden has made a statement; Bernie Sanders has made a statement; Barack Obama’s cut a commercial, and nobody uttered the following words, Jesse: Gavin Newsom’s done a good job for the people of California. You won’t hear that because he hasn’t. Not on crime, not on homelessness, not on the decline in the quality of public education.”

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