Far-left kooks continued their war on masterpieces Tuesday, with a group of climate-change activists gluing their hands to a copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” at a museum in London.

The shocking incident, at the Royal Academy of art gallery, is at least the fourth time in recent weeks protesters have taken their grievances out on priceless art. In May, a cross-dressing climate-change activist threw cake at the Mona Lisa and last month two activists glued their hands to a Van Gogh in a London museum.

“Ladies and gentleman, we are sorry for the disruption,” one of the five demonstrators glued to the da Vinci said. “Leonardo da Vinci said out of all the sciences art is the queen of communication. And now more than ever in this day and age, communication with truth and of the experience of humanity during these times of catastrophic climate is needed now more than ever.”

The group, which calls itself “Just Stop Oil,” painted the words “No New Oil” below the painting. The group demanded that the United Kingdom stop issuing licenses for oil and gas exploration.

“The truth is that any new oil expansion is a death sentence for the future,” the head protester declared. “It’s a death sentence for the younger generations and it’s a death sentence for the nature that has directly inspired art for tens of thousands of years.”

The da Vinci copy was painted by two of his apprentices, Giampietrino and Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio in about 1515. It depicts Jesus and his 12 apostles gathered at a dinner table.

The protesters remained glued to the painting for several hours before law enforcement officials removed them.

On Monday, two “Just Stop Oil” activists were arrested after gluing themselves to the frame of John Constable’s “The Hay Wain” in London’s National Gallery.

Last week, two activists glued themselves to Vincent van Gogh’s 1889 masterpiece “Peach Trees in Blossom,” which he painted shortly after lopping off his own ear.

“Sorry everybody, we don’t want to be doing this,” protester Louis McKenchie told gallery attendees, “we’re here glued to this painting, this beautiful painting, because we’re terrified for our future. We’re here from a group called ‘Just Stop Oil.’ We expect to be arrested today.”

In the May protest at the Louvre, a man dressed as a woman in a wheelchair jumped up and smeared cake on the world’s most famous painting, da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.” But the painting, which is protected by bulletproof glass, was not damaged.

Source: Dailywire

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