A British-born influencer announced this week that he is coming out as “transracial” and is now Korean.

In a series of videos he began sharing on June 26, Oli London, who boasts more than 300,000 followers on Instagram, revealed that he has had more than 18 plastic surgeries in order to become Korean and look like BTS singer, Park Ji-min. “Hey guys! I’m finally Korean. I’ve transitioned,” London said in a video posted Monday to Twitter. “I identify as Korean — that’s just my culture, that’s my home country, that’s exactly how I look now,” he added.  London also claimed he’s been “trapped in the wrong body for eight years.”

Perhaps anticipating blowback from the Left, London, who now prefers to go by “Jimin,” said, “I support all the LGBTQI+K/J community and believe everyone should be able to be who they want to be.”


In an extensive interview with The Daily Mail, the 31-year-old expressed how unsupported he feels by the LGBT community. “It is sad during Pride Month, a month that celebrates diversity, equality and love,” he said, “that WOKE people would use my com300,ing out and sharing my non-binary Korean identify, something that took me many years to understand and accept and took me enormous courage to share with the world – and use it as a platform to bully, degrade and dehumanise me and the LGBT community.”

London went on:

“While I recognise that a lot of people don’t understand how I identify, and may find it unusual—being Korean and feeling Korean is part of who I am and how I feel. And I will never allow a single woke person, bully or troll to take that away from me.

I have gone through extreme lifestyle changes to become who I am today and have lived in Korea, I eat Korean food everyday, use Korean skincare, have plastic surgery to look Korean and I speak the Korean language—all of this shapes me as a person and my identify as a non-binary Korean person.

These same woke people who preach about tolerance are the same people who send me death threats everyday, make up false rumours and threaten me or tell me to take my life.’

Despite all this and the difficulties I endure at the hands of these radical woke trolls, I will always celebrate who I am and identify as Korean and embrace the Korean culture. And I will always have a deep and profound respect for Korean culture and the Korean people, who I love and adore with all my heart.”

London’s application of transgender ideology enraged a woke mob on Twitter who attacked him for cultural appropriation.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t just choose to be Korean. It’s a nationality and ethnicity,” tweeted one trans-identifying account. “You have to be born Korean! Just because you like the culture, doesn’t mean you can take it and become it. There is a way to appreciate a different culture, this is not it.”

“As a Korean nonbinary person, I haven’t really talked about the Oli London thing. But, the fact that they are acting like it’s genuine and that it’s part of a ‘journey’ due to a ‘identity issues’ really irks me. It’s a mockery of trans people, it’s cultural appropriation,” posted another.

Finally, one Korean user replied that while he celebrates London’s new gender identity, it’s wrong for him to claim a new ethnic identity: “Korean isn’t a pronoun, nor is it a persona you decide to suddenly take on because of kpop hype. I’m glad you identify as non-binary and I applaud you for being transparent about that, but I can’t commend you for taking a whole ethnicity and treating it like a persona.”

London responded to this criticism with a hard-to-refute argument based on the LGBTQ lobby’s logic:  “Being Transexual is the same as being TRANSRACIAL because you are born in the wrong body.” He also drew on classic post-modern ethics on sexuality and gender to defend his new Korean identity, saying in another video, “This is my choice, my decision. It’s not hurting anyone.”

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Source: Dailywire

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