Conservative stars and political commentators reacted Monday to the news that Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he’s resigning from his roles in the federal government in December.

Country star John Rich joined others like Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump Jr., attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon, and many more who took to Twitter after Fauci announced he’s stepping down as President Joe Biden’s top medical adviser and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In a statement, Fauci said he was leaving his positions to “pursue the next chapter of [his] career.”

“Fauci has resigned,” Rich tweeted to his hundreds of thousands of followers. “I’m guessing it’s so he has time to prepare with his lawyers for his appearance at the 2023 Nuremberg Code trials.”

The Daily Wire’s Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro didn’t say much in his five-word tweet that got the point across.

“Only two years too late,” his tweet read.

Conservative lawyer Harmeet K. Dhillon wrote, “Fauci catalyzed a massive loss of liberty for millions. Thanks to made-up policies—children uneducated, people fired for refusing experimental drug, offices & churches closed, productivity lost, Biden elected, big Pharma rich, Fauci’s work is done. How do we get our freedom back?”

Former White House Strategic Communications Director Mercedes Schlapp tweeted a similar sentiment expressed by others that Fauci’s departure is possibly happening in anticipation that Democrats will suffer losses in the mid-terms.

“It’s no coincidence that Dr. Fauci just announced that he will resign from the government in December, which is right after Republicans will take back the House and immediately plan oversight into our pandemic response and his funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab,” Schlapp tweeted.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US’s top infectious disease expert who has seeming been wrong about everything since the AIDS epidemic, says he will retire by the end of the year likely to avoid being questioned by a GOP controlled house on how he got everything so wrong for so long!” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.

And they weren’t the only ones who thought there was no “coincidence” to the timing of Fauci’s announcement.

Source: Dailywire

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