A 66-year-old Scottish man who has donated blood for years says he was turned away after refusing to answer if he was, or had recently been, pregnant.

Leslie Sinclair has donated over 125 pints of blood in the last half century, according to the Daily Mail. But when he most recently showed up to do his part to save lives, he says he was told to fill out a form asking if he was or had been pregnant anytime within the past six months.

“I indicated to the staff that I could not be in this position, but they told me that I must answer, otherwise I would not be able to donate blood,” Sinclair, of the central Scotland town of Stirling, told the Daily Mail. “I told them that it was stupid and that if I had to leave I would not come back and that was it, I got on my bike and left.”

All potential donors are being asked the question in order to “promote inclusiveness” and because pregnancy “not always visually clear,” the Mail reported. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is trying to encourage blood donation amid a shortage, and the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service recently mounted a campaign to recruit 16,000 new donors.

Sinclair, who said he began donating blood when he was just 18, said he understands donors must provide information to ensure the blood supply is safe, but he said common sense should prevail on the pregnancy question.


“It makes no sense and makes me angry because there are vulnerable people who are waiting for blood, including children, and are in desperate need of help,” he said. “But they were denied my blood because of the obligation to answer a question that cannot be answered.

“They were denied my blood because of an obligation to answer a question that cannot be answered,” he said.

Under the new, radical gender ideology increasingly embraced by the Left, men can become pregnant. That’s because biological women may identify as men while still retaining their ability to reproduce. Apple, Google, and Microsoft have all demonstrated their belief that men can become pregnant by adapting versions of the “pregnant man emoji” that was approved last year by the Unicode Consortium as part of Emoji 14.0

In The Daily Wire’s new documentary, “What Is A Woman?” Matt Walsh explores the new ideology and finds that many on the Left believe doctors randomly assign genders at birth and that they have nothing to do with genitalia. Walsh recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson the new, radical gender theory is a pernicious force.

“There’s the absurdity on the surface and then underneath it, it’s really quite sinister,” Walsh said.

Marc Turner, director of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, praised Sinclair, but told the Daily Mail all donors have to answer the question because he believes women can change their gender yet still become pregnant.

“Whilst pregnancy is only a relevant question to those whose biological sex or sex assigned at birth is female, sex assigned at birth is not always visually clear to staff. Turner said. “As a public body, we are aware of changes in society in how such questions can be asked without discrimination and have a duty to promote inclusion – so all donors are now being asked the same questions.”

Source: Dailywire

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