Robert O’Neill, the former U.S. Navy SEAL who killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, slammed President Joe Biden during an interview on Friday evening, saying that he needed to be impeached over the disaster that he caused in Afghanistan.

“Look, I don’t want to be in charge, but if I was, oh, I want to get the Americans? Cool. Give me nine guys,” O’Neill said. “I’m going to walk through the streets and I’m going to kill everyone I see and I’m gonna grab the Americans. It is not difficult. But we have these people who are in charge that are a disgrace. I’m amazed that there hasn’t been at least 30 generals and admirals that haven’t resigned or been fired today.”

“This is nonsense. It’s insulting,” O’Neill said of the way Biden has handled the situation. “Every veteran, Marine, Airman, and Navy SEAL, Coast Guardsmen, everyone I’ve talked to today, all they tell me is they feel gross. And that’s how you should feel, you should feel gross. We don’t ask the Taliban permission. You know what we do? We kick their ass. That’s it.”

“I’m very, very angry because over 400 combat missions in so many different fields of combat, I have never once lost a fight. My team has never lost a fight. I don’t know any Marine who’s lost a fight, and that includes the Taliban,” he continued. “When we meet them face to face, we crush them. We were pretty good for the past four and a half years at impeaching a president for no reason. If anything deserves an impeachment, it’s right now, because we don’t do this. We don’t ask the enemy for permission. We go in there. We crush them. We win every single time, and then we leave with our people.”

“It’s infuriating that I have to talk to my combat veteran friends that fought for so many years, and they’re wondering why, why do we fight? For these people that just hid there until we elected people in suits that can’t do anything. And then they surrender?” he added. “Are you kidding me? This president surrendered to the Taliban. Does it get any more embarrassing? Should I not be embarrassed as an American right now, wondering what I fought for?”



FOX NEWS HOST: There’s a report out today; it’s in the Washington Examiner; it’s by Tom Rogan. And it says that Major General Christopher Donohue of the United States Military has said to his British counterparts, ‘Hey, could you stop what you’re doing? You’re beginning to embarrass the United States of America.’ In other words, stop kicking ass. Stop going in there and saving your people, because you’re making us look bad. What’s your response, Rob?

ROBERT O’NEILL, FORMER NAVY SEAL: My response is simple. I’m a big believer in the acronym KISS, keep it simple, stupid. And I was talking to another SEAL Team Six operator with whom I’ve served for 20 years. And I’m just gonna call him tiny. And tiny told me the response. Here’s how you get the Americans out, tiny smash with hammer. And that’s it. And I have nothing but nothing but love for the Brits, and the Germans, and the French who have the stones to get out there. … Look, I don’t want to be in charge. But if I was, oh, I want to get the Americans? Cool. Give me nine guys. I’m going to walk through the streets and I’m going to kill everyone I see, and I’m gonna grab the Americans. It is not difficult. But we have these people who are in charge that are a disgrace. I’m amazed that there hasn’t been at least 30 generals and admirals that haven’t resigned or been fired today. But we won’t because we have a commander in chief that was put there through whatever happened at four in the morning on election night. This is nonsense. It’s insulting. Every veteran, Marine, Airman, and Navy SEAL, Coast Guardsmen, everyone I’ve talked to today, all they tell me is they feel gross. And that’s how you should feel, you should feel gross. We don’t ask the Taliban permission. You know what we do? We kick their ass. That’s it.

FOX NEWS HOST: Rob, you have first hand experience with the Taliban, so when you get the President of United States say we need to work with them or trust them to usher Americans to the airport, does that comport with what you not only have witnessed, but what you have encountered?

O’NEILL: I know, I’m very, very angry because over 400 combat missions in so many different fields of combat, I have never once lost a fight. My team has never lost a fight. I don’t know any Marine who’s lost a fight, and that includes the Taliban. When we meet them face to face, we crush them. We were pretty good for the past four and a half years at impeaching a president for no reason. If anything deserves an impeachment, it’s right now, because we don’t do this. We don’t ask the enemy for permission. We go in there. We crush them. We win every single time, and then we leave with our people. That’s it. It’s infuriating that I have to talk to my combat veteran friends that fought for so many years, and they’re wondering why, why do we fight? For these people that just hid there until we elected people in suits that can’t do anything. And then they surrender? Are you kidding me? This president surrendered to the Taliban. Does it get any more embarrassing? Should I not be embarrassed as an American right now, wondering what I fought for?

FOX NEWS HOST: You know, this morning on “Fox and Friends,” Senator Lindsey Graham said a good lesson in life is never to find yourself on the left of the French. I think you just rivaled that line with saying you don’t ask your enemy for permission. Those are good mottos in life. Pretty simple guidance that you can follow. I’ve seen you say this, Rob, and you said it tonight to me just a moment ago. And I hear your emotion. I hear your anger. And I want to, for one moment, follow up on expanding beyond Joe Biden, because you talked about the military leadership as well. So when you look at this entire failure, and it being called nothing but a failure. That’s the accurate description. How far and wide is your indictment?

O’NEILL: Well, I think that everyone wearing a suit and tie or a pantsuit right now in Washington, D.C., should step down. And I think the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should not be a four star general, it should be an old four; it should be a major; it should be a young officer who actually fought on the ground. All these people that all they do is sit there and they run their mouth — and I’m talking about Democrats and Republicans, talk, talk, talk, two more years, get reelected. Everyone get out of there and just leave. We can, we have people that can handle this. We have people who can fight, we have people — like even when talking to some of my friends today, are we worried about ISIS coming to your house? Do you have guns? Yes have guns, I also have swords. I know how to fight. We need people who know how to fight. We have them there — get rid of these politicians.

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