Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis, who won a razor-thin 40,000 vote victory against Democrat Andrew Gillum in 2018, has now become such a formidable political leader that the Democratic Governors Association will not give any significant financial aid to any Democrat opposing his reelection in 2022, according to a report in Politico.

Politico reported on Friday:

The Democratic Governors Association has no plans to give significant financial help to Florida Democrats as they seek to unseat Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2022, a major setback that will make it harder for challengers to take on the popular Republican. The DGA, which spent more than $15 million in Florida over the past two gubernatorial election cycles, is starting to deprioritize the state and is expected to have a much smaller footprint during the midterms, said two Florida Democratic consultants who have been in contact with the DGA.

“The perception that DeSantis is unbeatable has left national Democratic groups like the DGA to weigh whether they should spend resources in Florida, a hugely expensive state with 10 media markets, or use that cash to help incumbents in cheaper states,” Politico added.

After noting the two recent close races for governor of Florida, the 2014 election where the GOP’s Rick Scott defeated Democrat Charlie Crist by one point and DeSantis’ narrow victory in 2018, Politico stated, “Though those races were close, there has long been a sinking feeling among Florida Democrats that DeSantis is on the verge of being unstoppable.”

Ed Morrissey of HotAir commented, “By abandoning Florida now, the DGA and Democratic Party establishment is all but conceding the race to DeSantis. And in doing that, they’re making DeSantis all the more formidable in a potential presidential general election. This is a very, very big concession by the DGA and Democrats, especially if DeSantis wins the GOP nomination in 2024 — which this makes a little bit more likely, too.”

On October 31, Politico admitted, “Gov. Ron DeSantis appears unstoppable. A year before the Florida gubernatorial election, the Republican governor has nearly $60 million in the bank. The GOP is on the cusp of becoming the state’s majority party after erasing Democrats’ enormous voter registration advantage. The Democratic field is splintering and support for President Joe Biden has collapsed in the state.”

After the tremendous showing by the GOP in Virginia on Tuesday night, DeSantis stated:

I think people are rebelling against what the Democratic Party stands for nowadays, the never ending mandates and restrictions because a COVID, using our school system for leftist indoctrination, rather than high quality education, and then the Biden regime failures from Afghanistan to the southern border, gas prices, inflation, supply chain … And I do think … this wave is building, I think it was strong last night, but I think it’s going to keep building all the way into 2022. And if you go back to the 2010 wave that Republicans had, I think there’s more dissatisfaction with what’s going on in D.C. today than there was at this time in that election cycle. And that is good news for Republicans. And that is bad news for Joe Biden and his regime.

Nick Iarossi, a Republican lobbyist and DeSantis adviser, enthused in late October, “This guy is running like he’s 10 points behind. He’s not going to let off the gas.”

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