On Tuesday night, a Palestinian terrorist riding a motorcycle cold-bloodedly shot and murdered a 29-year-old young father who was pushing a stroller in front of his home so his two-year-old toddler son could fall asleep.

Avishai Yechezkel, who was murdered by the terrorist, left behind his two-year-old son and his wife, who is eight months pregnant.

“Channel 12 reported that the terrorist was a Fatah-affiliated 27-year-old male from the northern West Bank village of Ya’bad near Jenin who was imprisoned in 2015 for an illegal arms trade. He recently worked at an illegal construction site in Bnei Brak. The terrorist was shot dead by security forces and the Israeli police have arrested two alleged accomplices,” The Daily Wire reported.

At the funeral, Yechezkel’s brother Ovadia said tearfully, “Last night, the world was turned upside down. I called you and you told me that you hear gunshots. You were scared for me; you told me: ‘Stay at home.’ And then silence – I didn’t hear from you anymore. You shielded your son and you were murdered. You worried more about us than yourself. You displayed true Jewish gevurah [strength] – you were murdered al Kiddush Hashem,” The Yeshiva World reported.

“Kiddush Hashem” means to sanctify God’s name.

Ovadai Yechezkel continued, “You were the dearest brother … you were a very lofty soul. Apparently, heaven wanted you there. We’ll deal with everything with love – God will give us strength.”

The terrorist murdered four other people on Tuesday night. “Shortly after the attack, Al-Aqsa Brigades’ organization, the military wing of Fatah — a Palestinian nationalist political party — released a video claiming responsibility,” Fox News reported.

The Daily Wire noted, “The attack is the third in a week in which 11 people were killed, making it the bloodiest since 2006 when a suicide bus bombing killed 11 Israelis in Tel Aviv. It is the tenth terror attack in the month of March. Tensions are high in anticipation of the upcoming month of Ramadan which begins on the evening of Saturday, April 2.”

The terror group Hamas, which rules over Gaza, blessed the attack on its website, writing:

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) blesses the heroic operation against the Zionist occupation soldiers in the so-called “Tel Aviv” area, which led to the killing and wounding of a number of Zionist occupiers, and stresses that all the heroic operations carried out by our Palestinian people, in every inch of our occupied land, comes in the context of the natural and legitimate response to the terrorism of the occupation and its escalating crimes against our land, our people and our sanctities. … Responding to the crimes and terrorism of the occupation is a legitimate right for all our people until the occupation is removed from our land.

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Source: Dailywire

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